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Late Night Laughs



Anti-Trump Republican­s have reportedly been re- energized by reports that Donald Trump’s campaign is having financial problems that could lead to an alternativ­e GOP nominee. “Awesome,” said Jeb Bush, before slipping on a banana peel and falling into a manhole. — Seth Meyers

Bernie Sanders admitted today that he “doesn’t appear” to be the nominee. Just to make sure, Bernie said he’ll stay in the race for two more years. — Conan O’Brien

Bernie Sanders still hasn’t officially dropped out of the race for president, but earlier today, he gave a speech with the theme “Where do we go from here?” I think he was basically asking the crowd for directions back to Vermont. — Jimmy Fallon

House Speaker Paul Ryan has unveiled a Republican alternativ­e to Obamacare. It’s called “Dying at 50.” — Conan O’Brien

It’s been reported that after leaving office, President Obama is considerin­g owning an NBA team. They say Obama wants to be an NBA owner because it’s his only chance to get someone on the court. — Conan O’Brien

President Obama is apparently interested in owning an NBA team after he leaves office. You’ll know it’s Obama’s team when they travel too much and never pass anything. — Jimmy Fallon

Congrats to Chelsea Clinton, who welcomed her second child over the weekend. After the birth, Bill brought flowers, while Hillary brought a focus group to help name the baby. — Jimmy Fallon

Today, Democrats said the committee investigat­ing Hillary Clinton’s involvemen­t with Benghazi was a “witch hunt.” Hillary tried to respond, but just then a house fell on her. — Conan O’Brien

Hillary Clinton unveiled her technology plan which would offer broadband internet access to all Americans. Then she quickly added, “Except for my husband.” — Conan O’Brien

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