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Late Night Laughs: Around the White House

- Source: www. newsmax. com

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Russia, but Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t meet with him. Putin said, “Sorry but I only meet with members of the Trump administra­tion before the election.” — Conan O’Brien ›

Meanwhile, President Trump has been flying a lot lately, privately, of course. Donald Trump is on pace to spend more on travel in his first year as president than president Obama spent all eight years in office combined. The president’s trips to Florida every weekend have already cost more than $20 million of taxpayer money. See, this is the guy we need United to drag off the plane. — Jimmy Kimmel ›

During his daily briefing, Sporty Spice, as he is known, made an absolutely incredible statement about Syrian President Assad, that if it wasn’t so disturbing, would have been Hit- larious. He said, ‘ Even someone as despicable as Hitler didn’t sink to using chemical weapons,’ which of course is very wrong. Sean Spicer might be the only press secretary who needs a press secretary. — Jimmy Kimmel ›

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has apologized for his Hitler com- ments and admitted he “screwed up.” I don’t think Spicer learned his lesson though, because he then said, “Even Hitler didn’t screw up as badly as I did.” — Conan O’Brien ›

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tried to downplay the issues [of the White House Easter Egg Roll] at his press briefing this afternoon. He did it an interestin­g way. He invited a group of children into the room and told them the egg roll doesn’t matter because there’s no such thing as the Easter Bunny anyway. — Jimmy Kimmel ›

Before he was press secretary, Sean Spicer actually played the Easter Bunny at the egg roll during the Bush administra­tion. Which means this week, for the first time maybe in history, we got to see the Easter Bunny apologize for comments about the Holocaust. — Jimmy Kimmel ›

Congratula­tions to the first lady, Melania Trump, who just got a nice payout from a British tabloid newspaper, The Daily Mail. According to CNN, Melania received $2.9 million in damages, which she’s using to build an escape tunnel back to Slovenia. — Jimmy Kimmel

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