Chattanooga Times Free Press

Syria and the return of dissent

- By E.J. Dionne

WASHINGTON — The debate over Syria is a jumble of metaphors, proof that every discussion of military action involves an argument about the last war. Yet beneath the surface, the fight in Congress over President Obama’s proposed strike against Bashar al-Assad’s regime is a struggle to break free from earlier syndromes to set a new course.

Obama himself is using the imperative that he back up his “red line” against chemical weapons as an occasion for revisiting his Syrian strategy. And both of our political parties are emerging from a post-9/ 11 period of frozen foreign policy thinking to a more natural and intellectu­ally honest exchange over America’s longterm role in the world.

The mood of the public and of many in Congress is summarized easily: “No more Iraqs.” It’s a sensible impulse because the Iraq War never delivered on the promises of those who urged the country to battle. Especially among Democrats who initially endorsed the war, there is a lingering guilt that they never asked the Bush administra­tion the questions that needed to be posed. Belatedly, those queries — about what the intelligen­ce shows and what our goals are — are now being directed to Obama on Syria.

Still, there is another reaction among Democrats and liberals, including Obama. It is a return to a pre-Iraq view that shaped the Clinton administra­tion’s policies in Bosnia and Kosovo after it failed to stop the Rwandan genocide: There are times when American power can be used to keep local wars from flying out of control, to prevent or limit humanitari­an catastroph­es and, yes, to advance the country’s interests.

Many Democrats supported Bush on Iraq because they mistakenly placed the war in the context of a humanitari­an interventi­on. Yet this guardedly interventi­onist wing of the party also includes people such as House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, who opposed the commitment in Iraq but never stopped believing in the positive uses of American military power. These Democrats are swinging Obama’s way on Syria not for partisan reasons but because he shares their position in the quarrel inside the party.

Nonetheles­s, Obama faces substantia­l resistance among Democrats because Vietnam and Iraq turned a large section of the party into principled non-interventi­onists who set an extremely high bar to any use of America’s armed forces. The same can be said of libertaria­n Republican­s such as Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Justin Amash. This left-right anti-war coalition has a long American pedigree, going back to the periods before both World War I and World War II.

But that only begins to describe the complexity of the argument on the Republican side. Many in the party instinctiv­ely skeptical of foreign entangleme­nts suppressed their doubts during the Bush years. With a Democrat in the White House and 9/ 11 more than a decade behind us, they now feel they can express them again. This group overlaps with a GOP faction whose one driving ideology involves standing against anything Obama is for.

Republican interventi­onists, in the meantime, are divided among themselves. Neoconserv­atives such as Sen. John McCain have an expansive attitude toward deploying American forces and still believe in the Iraq War. Realists such as Sen. Bob Corker do not want a repeat of Iraq but are willing to give Obama a limited mandate to act in Syria. House Speaker John Boehner rather bravely urged passage of a resolution on Syria, knowing that inaction there would undermine a tough approach toward Iran. He finds himself somewhere between these two camps.

Ultimately, after intricate negotiatio­ns, the balance of power among all these factions will almost certainly give the president the congressio­nal victory he needs to take action — in part because majorities in both houses know that an Obama defeat on Syria would be devastatin­g to American foreign policy.

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