Chattanooga Times Free Press

SSRIs safe for long-term use,

- Dr. K Dr. Anthony Komaroff

DEAR DR. K: I have been taking an SSRI for years for chronic anxiety. Are there side effects of long-term SSRI use?

DEAR READER: All medicines can have side effects, and SSRIs are no exception. But like most medicines, SSRIs do more good than harm.

What are SSRIs? The full name is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They were created to treat depression, but they also have been a first choice treatment for anxiety disorders since the 1990s. Popular SSRIs include citalopram ( Celexa), escitalopr­am ( Lexapro), fluoxetine ( Prozac), fluvoxamin­e (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil) and sertraline (Zoloft).

SSRIs target the natural brain chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotrans­mitter that affects anxiety and mood. A neurotrans­mitter is a chemical that travels from one nerve cell to another. Basically, neurotrans­mitters are the way nerve cells talk to each other.

Between one nerve cell and another there is a small space. One cell releases a neurotrans­mitter into that space; the neurotrans­mitter travels across and locks onto a receptor on the other cell, which is how one cell “talks” to another.

SSRIs cause more serotonin signals to travel from one brain cell to another. As a result, SSRIs amplify the effects of serotonin on mood and anxiety. SSRIs may indirectly influence other neurotrans­mitters that also play a role in anxiety. These include norepineph­rine and dopamine.

SSRIs are generally safe drugs. A big reason they’re popular — with doctors and patients — is that they have fewer and less severe side effects than older anxiety medication­s.

The side effects of SSRIs that some people experience include insomnia, rashes, headaches, joint and muscle pain, stomach upset, nausea and diarrhea. SSRIs also can diminish sexual desire, performanc­e and satisfacti­on. In some people, they do all three.

SSRIs can also have dangerous interactio­ns with some other medicines. The most important is an increased risk of bleeding in people who also are using blood-thinning medicines. Blood thinners include aspirin, nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drugs (NSAIDs) and warfarin.

Finally, the Food and Drug Administra­tion warns that in children, teens and young adults, SSRIs may increase thoughts of suicide and suicidal attempts. But if you’ve already been taking an SSRI for many years and have not had such thoughts, then you probably are at no higher risk of having them in the future.

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