Chattanooga Times Free Press



When an opponent opens one of a suit, and you have a relatively weak hand — some 5-10 high-card points — and a respectabl­e long suit, be happy to enter the auction with a jump. If you make a single jump, you are showing a six-card suit. Your hand will be akin to a weak-two opening — as in today’s deal.

Over South’s twoheart weak jump overcall, North took a shot at game.

After West leads the club 10, how should South plan the play?

Note that 5-10 points is a very wide range. A more scientific pair would use two no-trump as an inquiry, akin to responding two no-trump to an opening weak two-bid. Here, South would indicate a maximum (perhaps by rebidding three clubs to show the feature — high card — in that suit), and game would also be reached. But if South had a weaker hand, game would be unmakable.

Declarer has four losers: one spade, one heart and two clubs. He must eliminate one club loser by immediatel­y cashing dummy’s three diamond winners and discarding a club. Then he gets trumps drawn as quickly as possible.

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