Chattanooga Times Free Press

16 plants for a healthy garden


Here are 16 plants to use strategica­lly for a healthier garden.

› Lavender. Repels slugs. › Basil. Repels aphids, flies, mosquitoes and mites; also has fungicidal properties. Plant around tomatoes to repel hornworms.

› Catnip. Repels ants, fleas and mosquitoes.

› Tomatoes. Plant around asparagus to repel asparagus beetles, and around roses to help prevent black spot. Keep away from cabbage, fennel and potatoes.

› Oregano. Repels cucumber beetle.

› Borage. Repels tomato worms.

› Onion. Repels ants, aphids, borers and moles. Also discourage­s black spot on roses. Plant around carrots, beets, strawberri­es, tomatoes, lettuce and cabbage, but avoid around beans, parsley, peas and leeks.

› Rosemary. Deters cabbage moth, bean beetles and carrot fly.

› Petunia. Repels aphids, leafhopper­s and Mexican bean beetles.

› Thyme. Deters cabbage worms and slugs.

› Nasturtium. Repels aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Plant around fruit trees, cucumbers, squash and tomatoes (for improved flavor).

› Mint. Repels aphids, cabbage moths and cabbage worms. Plant in containers, though, or it will take over your garden.

› Radish. Plant around cucumbers and squash to trap beetles.

› Marigolds. Pests (aphids, bean beetles and others) find the scent of marigolds repulsive, so plant them throughout the vegetable garden. French and African varieties eliminate nematodes from the soil.

› Chamomile. Repels cabbage moths.

› Chives. Plant around roses and lettuce to repel aphids.

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