Chattanooga Times Free Press

Ralph E. McGill, Civil Rights advocate, journalist


Ralph Emerson McGill grew up in Chattanoog­a in the early 1900s and probably did more in his writings at The Atlanta Constituti­on to aid the Civil Rights movement than any other white Southerner. McGill was born on the family farm at Igou’s Ferry outside Soddy, Tenn., in 1898. His grandfathe­rs had taken opposite sides during the Civil War.

The McGills moved to Highland Park in Chattanoog­a, where Ralph attended Fourth District School. His father encouraged him to become an active reader, and during summers he rode his bike two miles to his second home, the Carnegie Library at Eighth Street and Georgia Avenue.

Another important influence came when the McGills worshipped at Central Presbyteri­an Church, whose pastor, Dr. Thomas McCallie, encouraged the parents to send Ralph to McCallie School. The father borrowed money for tuition, and the youngster participat­ed in student government, drama, debating and football. He later remembered “no frustratio­n in all the four pleasant years save in Dr. James Park McCallie’s math class.”

Ralph entered Vanderbilt University, where his education was interrupte­d by a tour of duty in the Marine Corps in World War I. He returned to Vanderbilt and was suspended in his senior year for writing an article in the student newspaper that was critical of the school administra­tion.

While at the university he befriended several members of the Fugitives literary group, including Allen Tate. He also worked for the campus paper, the Hustler, and part-time for the Nashville Banner as a rookie sportswrit­er.

In 1929, McGill joined the staff of The Atlanta Constituti­on as assistant sports editor and soon begin to write political articles. He won a Rosenwald Fellowship in early 1938, which freed him to study for six months in Europe.

His front-page accounts from Vienna, Austria, of Hitler’s seizure of power, including the use of Nazi propaganda and persecutio­n of Jews, earned him on return a promotion to editorial page editor. At one time he wrote three columns for The Constituti­on: “Break Days” in the sports section, “One Word More” on the editorial page, and “Ralph McGill,” a front-page feature. He served as editor of the paper from 1942 to 1960 and publisher from 1960.

During the 1960s, McGill was described as “a voice of moderation in the South.” His courage in publicizin­g racial inequality as well as public corruption made him both loved and hated.

His stands against racial segregatio­n and the Ku Klux Klan brought angry letters and death threats as well as cross burnings on his lawn, gunfire at his house and bombs in his mailbox. He courageous­ly took on segregatio­nist Georgia Gov. Herman Talmadge.

His advocacy of civil rights for African-Americans earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1958 and a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom from President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.

McGill retained his popularity with a large segment of the Southern populace by advocating moderation and urging cooperatio­n between the races. He never completely pushed for integratio­n. Some thought his moderate position may have risen from a concern that the Constituti­on would lose subscriber­s if it took a strong stand opposing segregatio­n. A complex man, he made accusation­s of suspected communism in the 1950s and alienated some admirers with his unwavering support for the Vietnam War in the 1960s.

He enjoyed travel and wrote stories on Africa, Russia, the Far East and the military deployment in Vietnam. Four U.S. presidents — Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson — sought his observatio­ns on internatio­nal matters.

McGill wrote a popular book “The South and the Southerner,” which included the virtues of Soddy, that won an award from The Atlantic magazine.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his April 1963 “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” described McGill as “one of the few white brothers in the South (who) grasped the meaning of this social revolution and committed themselves to it.”

McGill died of a heart attack on Feb. 3, 1969, two days before his 71st birthday, and was survived by a son, Ralph McGill Jr. The mother was Mary Elizabeth Leonard, whom the father had met at Vanderbilt. She died in 1962. McGill married Mary Lynn Morgan, a renowned Atlanta dentist for children, in 1967. Numerous McGill relatives reside today in Soddy-Daisy. Whether they agree with his progressiv­e views expressed in The Atlanta Constituti­on during the ’50s and ’60s is a matter of conjecture.

Jerry Summers is an attorney with Summers, Rodgers and Rufolo. Frank “Mickey” Robbins is an investment adviser at Patten and Patten. For more, visit Chattahist­oricalasso­

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Ralph McGill won the Pulitzer Prize in 1958 for his civil rights advocacy and a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom from Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ralph McGill won the Pulitzer Prize in 1958 for his civil rights advocacy and a Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom from Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.

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