Chattanooga Times Free Press

The Oath of Hypocrisy: Politician­s’ ‘Disease’


As a physician, I proudly recited and adhere to the Oath of Hippocrate­s, which commands physicians to “use treatment to help the sick according to [their] ability and judgment … and [to] abstain from all intentiona­l wrong-doing and harm.” Physicians don’t all think alike — medically or politicall­y — but when a patient’s health is at stake, we find a way to work together for the patient’s best interest.

In 2016 a bipartisan Congress passed the 21st Century Cures Act, ostensibly designed to speed up research and drug approvals. They should have legislated a cure for a highly contagious disease that infects politician­s in staggering numbers: chronic, relapsing, terminal hypocritic­al churlishne­ss, the “Disease.”

The current acrimoniou­s and vitriolic hyper-partisan rhetoric is making our country sick.

When the Republican­s did not support the Affordable Care Act, they were heartless dunderhead­s who wanted to see women and children suffer. It was irrelevant that the law had serious flaws that have now fully manifested themselves. In a tit-for-tat fashion, the Democrats have made it clear that they will obstruct President Trump’s efforts irrespecti­ve of whether doing so harms American citizenry.

There is no question that the value of a two-party system is exposure to a range of ideas and opinions. However, dissent for the purpose of partisan posturing must not blind our legislator­s to novel solutions in America’s best interest.

Let’s look at different responses to racial insensitiv­ity. Joe Biden was rewarded with the vice presidency for his ringing endorsemen­t of Obama: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Part of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s assessment of candidate Barack Obama’s chances to win the presidency was that he was “light-skinned” and had “no Negro dialect.” Was he censured? No. Did he have to resign? No.

At the 100th birthday party for Strom Thurmond, a 1948 (anti-integratio­n) Dixiecrat presidenti­al candidate, former Senate Republican leader Trent Lott praised him, saying South Carolina proudly voted for him. He was forced to resign his position.

However, Democrats heaped praise upon Hillary Clinton’s “friend and mentor,” Robert Byrd, who was unanimousl­y elected the top officer in the local Ku Klux Klan unit. Bill Clinton dismissed the Klan membership, saying “he was only trying to get elected.” In December 1944, Byrd wrote to Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times … than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.” Moreover, he launched a 14-hour filibuster and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Republican Sen. Everett Dirksen is credited with rallying enough senators for the bill’s passage.)

The Democrats tout themselves as the advocates for black people, but have allowed politics to trump exploring new ideas. Although the large majority of black parents support increased educationa­l options, including traditiona­l public school, public charter and opportunit­y scholarshi­ps to attend private schools, the Democrats thrashed then-Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos for her support of school choice. Sen. Cory Booker, while Newark’s mayor, promoted DeVos’s ideas on school choice to improve Newark’s failing schools. Stricken with the Disease, he convenient­ly had a change of heart.

In 2016, Sen. Booker felt “blessed and honored to have partnered with Sen. [Jeff] Sessions” to pass legislatio­n honoring those who participat­ed in the 1965 Voting Rights March from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., with the Congressio­nal Gold Medal. But a year later, Booker chose to testify against Sessions’s nomination for Attorney General. Sen. Tim Scott’s endorsemen­t of Sessions netted him being called (among many other N-words) a “house negro” and “a big ‘Uncle Tom’ piece of fertilizer,” and “a black man who is racist.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren expressed her peace, love and teamwork by tweeting, “If Jeff Sessions makes even the tiniest attempt to bring his racism, sexism & bigotry into the Justice Department, he’ll hear from all of us.” Sen. Charles Schumer ungracious­ly said that Sessions’s confirmati­on “turned my stomach.” Kerry Kennedy of the Robert Kennedy Center for Human Rights said that the senators who voted for Jeff Sessions absolutely were racists.

It is unsettling that “racist” has become the new synonym for a political foe, or simply someone with whom one disagrees. Derisive name-calling is an unprincipl­ed substitute for honest discussion.

The apparent game plan to cut the new administra­tion off at the knees may backfire. We don’t want to discover that their operation was a success, but the patient died.

Dr. Marilyn Singleton, native of San Diego, Calif., is a board-certified anesthesio­logist. She works part-time as an anesthesio­logist and teaches a private Constituti­on class for non-lawyers.

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Dr. Marilyn Singleton

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