Chattanooga Times Free Press

Nearly every foundation stone of American life is on the defensive:



Two out of three Americans, according to an Allegheny College poll last fall, characteri­zed the 2016 presidenti­al campaign as very or extremely uncivil. Only 3 percent of Americans — potentiall­y no Americans at all, if the margin of error is employed

— have a great deal of confidence in Congress, according to the Gallup organizati­on.

The spectacle on Capitol Hill right now, with one party determined to overturn Obamacare in an instant and the other party determined to oppose whatever its rivals support, is not likely to add to public confidence in the public’s representa­tives.


About two Americans in five have confidence in organized religion today, a steep drop from 1973, when about two out of three Americans felt that way. Three decades ago, only one in 10 adult Americans said they had no religious affiliatio­n, according to the Pew Research Center; today about a quarter of Americans feel that way. And about one out of three millennial­s say they are “nones” — that is, without any religious affiliatio­n at all.


President Trump has mounted an all-out assault on the mainstream media, an attack even stronger than the one mounted by President Richard M. Nixon and Vice President Spiro

Underneath the anger — beyond the shouts — are serious questions about the way our society and culture are structured, and about the nature and use of power.

Agnew at the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s.

But Nixon and Agnew weren’t the only national figures in the past several decades to single out the press for special opprobrium. Each president since Nixon has had worse press relations than his predecesso­r, and the press has become a soft target. Public confidence in newspapers, for example, has declined by half since 1973, and confidence in television news has declined by more than half in a quarter century, with the public split on whether the press has been too easy or too hard on Trump.


Here’s a radical departure: A Republican president has criticized business executives for callousnes­s toward workers and for exporting American jobs.

At the same time, public criticism of the wealth gap has been stoked by politician­s of all coloration­s, from Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 2016 campaign, to Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont during the Democratic primaries and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts during the early months of 2017.

Public support of banks, at 60 percent in the Gallup study in 1969, has declined by more than half to 27 percent. Fewer than one-fifth of Americans have confidence in big business, though small business wins the support of two out of three Americans.


Trump assailed traditiona­l Republican­s during his primary campaign, painting those figures — in short, the establishm­ent figures of the establishm­ent party — as ineffectiv­e and self-serving. He dismissed Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York as a “clown”; but the most damaging critique of the Senate minority leader may come from fellow Democrats, who deride him for voting for at least a handful of Trump Cabinet nominees and criticize him for not waging merciless war against the Trump agenda.

Then, last week, Gallup reported that public worries about race relations are at an all-time high, with two out of five Americans worrying “a great deal” about race relations. And what is the institutio­n that Americans respect the most? The military, winning the confidence of about three-quarters of the public — up substantia­lly since 1973, when the nation was divided by the Vietnam War.

Bottom line: We are in a historic period not only of transforma­tion but also of national introspect­ion. We think this is an era of invective and insult, and there is some truth to that. But underneath the anger — beyond the shouts — are serious questions about the way our society and culture are structured, and about the nature and use of power.

That is one of the principal lessons of the 2016 election, lost amid the controvers­y over President Trump’s style and manners. Like the 1930s and 1960s, this is a period of resentment and rebellion. But the questions raised in both those earlier periods helped the United States win, in turn, World War II and the Cold War. We ignore those questions, and put off addressing them, at our peril.

David M. Shribman is executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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