Chattanooga Times Free Press

Want to help your kid ace the big tests? Make them laugh, not study, experts say


MIAMI — When it comes to test day, your kids know what they know. The hard part is getting over the anxiety.

With all of the pressure to get into honors classes and top colleges for today’s students — not to mention a slew of state exams — this can be a stressful time of year for families. A bad SAT score or bombing an advanced placement test can feel like the end of the world.

For high school students, advanced placement and Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate tests are just around the corner.

Students and experts weigh in on the best strategies to make sure he or she does well and gets through the next two months without too much worry.


If your child is anxious before taking a test, help him or her visualize success, said psychologi­st Karen Cassiday, the board president of the Anxiety and Depression Associatio­n of America. Ask your child to think about a past situation in which they’ve been successful or overcome difficult circumstan­ces and prompt your child to focus on the things they are grateful for.

“What this does is it helps set a mindset that life

is going well, there are good things out there, I can succeed,” Cassiday said.


Any big changes in a child’s routine around testing time could make them more anxious, Cassiday said. “If you really want to help your kids act like this is a regular, normal thing, keep a regular, normal schedule. Don’t make this high-stakes testing the event of the year,” she said.

Of course, making sure your child exercises, eats healthy food and gets a good night’s sleep will also help

them succeed, Cassiday said.

Parents should also make sure their child gets to school early on test day. Arriving late can add to the stress.


For elementary and middle school students, Cassiday does not recommend any extra studying for standardiz­ed tests. “I wouldn’t encourage someone to prepare until they actually have something to prepare for like national merit tests or pre-SATs,” she said.

Older students prepping

for exams should aim to study for 45-minute chunks with five to 10 minute breaks in between, Cassiday said. “One of the things we know is that most people, no matter how bright they are, can’t concentrat­e beyond 45 minutes,” she said.

Benjamin Burstein, a senior at Miami Beach Senior High School, said his strategy for advanced placement tests — which enable students to get college credit for advanced classes — is to start early and go through two review books for each test. Burstein takes extensive notes while he reads the first review book and then goes through the second one more quickly.

“The most important tip is just start early,” Burstein said. “If you’re going to start preparing a week before, there are going to be issues. And then just do a lot of practice questions. It’s a good way to make sure you don’t get really stressed at the end.”


Instead of cramming right before the test, make your child laugh. Watch a funny movie together the night before or listen to funny stories on the way to school in the morning. That gives your child’s brain a shot of the neurotrans­mitter dopamine, Cassiday said, which can improve test performanc­e.

“If you’re looking for how can you set a brain and mind to perform better, those things would be much better rather than doing extra studying,” she said.


What if your child bombs the test?

“The first thing I would suggest parents do is check their own anxiety,” Cassiday said. “Parents in particular can get very worried about wanting their child to do well, wanting them to have opportunit­ies for getting into college or getting into special programs for high school. They need to remember this is their child’s life, not theirs, and one of the most important things a human being can learn is how to recover from a mistake or not getting the things they want.”


If your child is still anxious about taking tests after trying these strategies, that could be a sign of more serious anxiety issues. A child who continuall­y asks his or her parents if they will do well on the test, or who can’t seem to enjoy their hobbies because of exam worries could have test anxiety, Cassiday said.

“When someone is choosing to study over having fun, something is going wrong in a pre-teen or a child or a teenager,” she said. Another sign, particular­ly for younger children, is having a meltdown or tantrum right before or after taking a test. In this case, parents might want to consider talking to a psychologi­st or a school counselor. There are also resources available on the Anxiety and Depression Associatio­n of America website.

In general, though, students and experts say the most important thing for getting through testing season is taking a deep breath and putting everything in perspectiv­e. “Your life doesn’t depend on whatever score you get on the test, and when you think about it that way it’s less daunting,” Garcia said.

 ?? PHOTO BY CHARLOTTE SOUTHERN/MIAMI HERALD/TNS ?? Language arts students at Carver Middle School in Miami-Dade County prepare for the state assessment­s. Across Florida, parents are pushing back on standardiz­ed tests. Some say schoolchil­dren are taking too many exams. Others have concerns about the...
PHOTO BY CHARLOTTE SOUTHERN/MIAMI HERALD/TNS Language arts students at Carver Middle School in Miami-Dade County prepare for the state assessment­s. Across Florida, parents are pushing back on standardiz­ed tests. Some say schoolchil­dren are taking too many exams. Others have concerns about the...

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