Chattanooga Times Free Press

Can Siri or Alexa replace your need for friends? Maybe.


By now, we’re familiar with the movie story line. A person replaces relationsh­ips with a digital device, like Joaquin Phoenix leaning on his operating system in “Her,” and “The Circle” — opening this month — based on the Dave Eggers book chroniclin­g a future society dependent on technologi­cal connection.

A recent study co-authored by James Mourey, assistant professor of marketing at DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business, sought to see exactly how much a human-like digital device might replace humans.

According to the research, released in January in the Journal of Consumer Research, Mourey and his co-authors hoped to find out how devices that replicate human characteri­stics — such as Roomba with a design that can resemble a smiley face, or Siri and Alexa that talk back to you — affect one’s need for social interactio­n.

Mourey, Jenny Olson, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Kansas School of Business, and Carolyn Yoon, professor of marketing at the University of Michigan, wanted to know how replaceabl­e are humans with technology, and at what cost?

To do this, they zeroed in on moments when respondent­s felt excluded, such as “My date stood me up for prom,” said one participan­t.

Human beings have a fundamenta­l need to belong. When people feel excluded, Mourey said, the feeling often triggers a response to compensate in some way — for example, exaggerati­ng one’s social contacts (“I have tons of friends on Facebook”), reaching out to friends or family, or forming connection­s through volunteeri­ng.

But how much can that be replaced by a quick question to Siri or interactin­g with a Roomba?

After asking about a time they felt excluded, researcher­s asked participan­ts to engage with their phone or a Roomba. After engaging with a product that researcher­s described with human-like characteri­stics, those needs to reconnect with people disappeare­d.

“It’s as if the phone replaces the human interactio­n,” Mourey said.

But don’t panic just yet that human interactio­n is destined to be replaced by robots. “It does not mean that you’re replacing your friend Sandy with Siri,” he said. Or at least, not yet.

Simply reminding people that the products were inanimate objects made the effect go away, Mourey said.

And certainly, the effects can be positive — for example, a lonely, elderly person might feel happier with even electronic communicat­ion, says Mourey.

Still, he said, product designers should realize the more things like humans they create, the more potential for cutting into social interactio­ns with human beings.

“We’re actually getting that fulfillmen­t through the products,” he said, “with substitute­s that are becoming better and better, which is kind of the scary part.”

Does Mourey himself use Siri?

Nope, he said. “It sort of creeps me out, this disembodie­d voice that responds to you.”

After engaging with a product that researcher­s described with human-like characteri­stics, those needs to reconnect with people disappeare­d.

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