Chattanooga Times Free Press

Trump ‘is not under investigat­ion’ despite tweet, his lawyer insists


WASHINGTON — A member of President Donald Trump’s legal team said Sunday the president was not under investigat­ion by the special counsel looking into Russia’s election-year meddling, contradict­ing Trump’s assertion in a Friday morning tweet that he is a subject of the widening inquiry.

The denial Sunday by Jay Sekulow, one of several personal lawyers Trump has hired to represent him in the Russia case, is the latest of many examples in which the president’s aides and lawyers have scrambled to avert a publicrela­tions mess created by Trump’s tweets, off-script remarks or leaked private conversati­ons.

Advisers have been forced to perform postpresid­ential cleanup in the wake of Trump’s tweet claiming he had been wiretapped by the Obama administra­tion, his Oval Office comments to Russian diplomats about the former FBI director, his private musings about the possibilit­y of firing the Russia special counsel, his suggestion there might be recordings of White House conversati­ons, and his comments about a “military” deportatio­n operation.

In Sekulow’s case, his appearance on multiple Sunday morning talk shows took on the added urgency of trying to protect his client from admitting he is in legal jeopardy during a criminal investigat­ion, one that appears to be increasing­ly focused on whether Trump took steps to interfere with the normal progress of the federal inquiry.

Rod J. Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, last month named Robert B. Mueller, a former FBI director, as a special counsel to lead the investigat­ion into the extent of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidenti­al election, and whether any of Trump’s associates colluded in that effort.

In addition, two congressio­nal committees have issued subpoenas for testimony and documents as part of their widerangin­g, bipartisan investigat­ions. All three inquiries are reportedly examining whether Trump, as president, sought to impede the progress of the inquiries.

Sekulow repeatedly and forcefully denied that Sunday, saying on CBS’ “Face the Nation” program “the president has not been and is not under investigat­ion,” and insisting that the administra­tion had received no informatio­n from the special counsel’s office to think otherwise.

On Friday, Trump wrote the opposite on Twitter, saying: “I am being investigat­ed for firing the FBI Director by the man who told me to fire the FBI Director! Witch Hunt.”

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