Chattanooga Times Free Press



Surely this is all just a bad dream and our country will awake to shake off the nightmare that our president is a moron.

Here’s hoping we’ll wake to wonder what we ate that made us wildly dream that he routinely spat venom onto his phone in the form of childish tweets — far too many aimed at women and far too many filled with falsehoods.

If we don’t wake to find this all just a night terror, then real leaders in America need to seek a legal end to this nation’s darkening reality that there may be something fundamenta­lly wrong with a president who says and does the things this president says and does. Repeatedly. Serially.

At a time when our president should have been using his self-touted deal-making skills to help GOP senators agree on a health-care bill he didn’t think was so “mean,” Donald Trump instead hurled sexist and vicious attacks against “Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarboroug­h. Their sin? Discussing Trump’s faked Time Magazine covers that hang in some of his golf resorts. Time has demanded the removal of the bogus covers.

For the safety of the country, perhaps it’s time for Congress, cabinet officials and the vice president to bone up on the 25th Amendment, which gives them the authority to declare a President “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

According to news reports, some in Congress and Trump’s inner circle already have tried to reason with President Trump, begging him to put down his toys — the cell phone and his twitter account — and start governing.

But his barrage of Twitter attacks this past week make it crystal clear that no one — not princess Ivanka Trump, not magic son-in-law Jared Kushner, nor Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, nor House Speaker Paul Ryan, no one — can get through to the Donald that he is no longer 17, no longer on the Hollywood reality show circuit and no longer a private CEO.

He is, heaven help us, the leader of the free world. And he’s an increasing­ly frightenin­g embarrassm­ent, damaging our country daily.

Here’s another alternativ­e

Assuming that GOP leaders — and it can’t be done without Republican­s — don’t step forward, there is another option. Twitter users, unite!

Close your Twitter accounts and demand that if Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey wants you back he suspend Donald Trump’s account.

Call your financial planner and ask them to divest from Twitter. Let all know that you cannot support a company that profits from bullying women (see Trump’s “bleeding from a facelift” jab) and the disabled (see his “low IQ” and “psycho” name-calling).

Another option is for tens of thousands to unfollow @realDonald­Trump. There is, after all, nothing Trump hates more than losing something — even Twitter followers.

A final reminder

Most importantl­y, remember that far too often this president’s modus operandi with his outrageous behavior is an old-fashioned snake-oil bait and switch. Especially when there’s new Russia news — as there was when he lobbed his latest volley of headline-grabbing tweets.

In case you missed it: A longtime GOP operative and researcher named Peter W. Smith told The Wall Street Journal and others that he was working with then-Trump campaign adviser Michael Flynn to look for the 33,000 emails Hillary Clinton said she deleted from her private email server — the same emails Trump, on camera, invited the Russians to find. The late Smith (he recently died) also claimed he helped Flynn in attempting to form relationsh­ips with Russian officials during the presidenti­al transition period.

That would be the same Flynn that Trump wanted FBI Director James Comey to stop investigat­ing. That would be the same FBI director that Trump told Russian envoys he fired in order to take “the pressure” of the Russia probe off of himself. That would be the same Russia that Trump so admires.

The smoke may have just flickered into flame, so we must not be fooled or mesmerized by the shiny objects of Trump’s Twitter feed and showboatin­g.

Watch instead what Trump and his White House do and refuse to do:

› The White House orchestrat­es “infrastruc­ture” and “energy” weeks, but offers no programs or legislatio­n to improve our infrastruc­ture or grow jobs. Instead, Trump and his minions barrel down a path to dismantle key environmen­tal protection­s to help coal and fossil fuel companies keep making buggy whips in dying industries rather than foster technology and grow jobs to lead the world in alternativ­e energy fields.

› The U.S. State Department is full of empty offices because Trump isn’t filling needed diplomatic positions. Of the 559 executive positions that require Senate approval, Trump has left 442 empty, according to The Washington Post. Those are posts including the coordinato­r for counter-terrorism, assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs, and coordinato­r for threat reduction programs.

› Trump and his administra­tion also have failed to replace any of the 46 U.S. attorneys he fired three months ago.

› Hurricane season began a month ago, and tornado season is becoming seasons — plural. So when does the president plan to nominate an under-secretary for the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion?

This list could fill the page.

Trump is more engaged with his Twitter account (and all things Russia) than with America, but we shouldn’t be.

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