Chattanooga Times Free Press



When you pull cards out of a duplicate board, you count your high-card points. In the play, you count winners and losers.

In this deal, how should South play in four spades after West annoyingly leads a trump?

South’s two-club rebid was New Minor Forcing. North then showed threecard spade support.

Declarer has to lose only two spades and one heart. With, say, a club lead, he would have immediatel­y played the ace and another heart. East would have taken that trick and shifted to the spade king, but South would have won with his ace, ruffed his last heart and played another trump to get home.

Now that line will not work. Instead, South ducks the first trick, takes East’s spade continuati­on with the ace, unblocks the club ace and uses dummy’s three diamond entries to ruff clubs in his hand. Then he cashes the heart ace before leading his diamond jack. If East discards on this, it is declarer’s 10th trick; or, if East ruffs, dummy’s last trump becomes a winner. South takes one spade, one heart, three diamonds, one club, three club ruffs in hand and that extra trick. It is a dummy reversal.

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