Chattanooga Times Free Press



President Trump says many things that are wildly exaggerate­d or flat-out false, but he told one of his biggest whoppers at a recent White House news conference. “Just so you understand,” he boasted to reporters, “the Republican Party is very, very unified.”

In truth, the Republican Party is very, very fragmented, pulled apart by competing factions defined largely by their relations to Trump, whose outsized ego and undersized competence eclipse the political sun and darken all debate.

This festering fratricide could jeopardize the GOP’s congressio­nal majorities in elections next year. Even if Republican­s maintain control, their ability to run the government could be even more weakened than it already is.

On one side are the True Trumpians, led by Steve Bannon, the president’s former consiglier­e, who recently told Sean Hannity on Fox News that he is “declaring war on the Republican Establishm­ent.” He has vowed to oust Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and support primary challenger­s against any GOP senator who does not swear allegiance to Trump’s brand of economic nationalis­m.

The other side of this civil war is more splintered and less bellicose, but just as motivated. Recruits range from Never Trumpians like Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who refused to vote for the nominee of his own party, to former Trumpians like Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, who have grown increasing­ly alarmed by the president’s impulsive and reckless behavior.

Since Corker is not running again, he’s freed from political considerat­ions, but other Republican lawmakers fear a primary challenge from Bannon’s jihadists. That means they won’t join the public denunciati­on of Trump, no matter what they feel in private. And they all share with Trump a common need: writing a record of accomplish­ment they can take to the voters. But the voices of dissent within the GOP are still startling.

Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, a prime Bannon target, wrote a book excoriatin­g fellow Republican­s for not standing up to Trump. “Rather than defending the enduring principles that were consonant with everything that we knew and had believed in, we pretended the emperor wasn’t naked,” Flake writes.

Sen. John McCain was clearly referring to the president when he denounced as “unpatrioti­c” those who follow “some half-baked, spurious nationalis­m cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.”

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska accused Trump of violating his oath to uphold the Constituti­on by threatenin­g to punish media outlets that cover him critically.

Those are the voices of reason that Bannon wants to purge from the party, an approach that deeply alarms Republican leaders like McConnell. In at least four states, he notes, Republican­s lost Senate seats in recent years because they nominated hardline conservati­ves that “were not able to appeal to a broader electorate in the general election.”

The lesson is clear, says McConnell: “You have to nominate people who can actually win, because winners make policy and losers go home.”

Yet Trump waffles, praising Bannon as a “friend of mine for a long time” while hinting he may try to “talk him out of” his suicidal crusade.

If Republican­s lose control of Congress, Trump’s agenda — and judicial nomination­s — are doomed. And if Democrats capture Congressio­nal committees, endless investigat­ions and possible impeachmen­t proceeding­s will dominate the rest of Trump’s tenure.

If Bannon’s insurgents actually win, the consequenc­es could be equally damaging for Trump. More bomb-throwers in Republican ranks is the last thing he needs.

Trump fueled the civil war in the Republican Party, and as a campaign tactic, it worked well. But governing requires compromise, not chaos; negotiatio­n, not napalm. And the firestorm he deliberate­ly ignited could wind up consuming him.

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