Chattanooga Times Free Press

The two iron laws of media criticism: Partisan skepticism inevitably drifts toward ignorance and nihilism


Long before we knew who’d won last Tuesday’s special election in Alabama, we knew who had lost: the media. At least, that is, according to conservati­ve media critics.

“Roy Moore Proves Media Only Destroys Itself in Elections” ran a headline Monday in the American Spectator. “The late Charles Manson seems to have gotten a more sympatheti­c press” than Republican Roy Moore, complained former Human Events editor Allan H. Ryskind in the Washington Times. “The real reason for a situation that allows the Roy Moores and Donald Trumps of the world to rise above mere laughingst­ock status,” opined former George W. Bush speechwrit­er Matt Latimer in Politico, “is that the media has totally lost its connection with a large portion of the nation.”

The view from inside the belly of the mainstream beast couldn’t have been more diametrica­lly opposed.

“‘The media’ is not on the ballot in Tuesday’s special election in Alabama,” CNN “Reliable Sources” anchor Brian Stelter wrote Monday. “That’s obvious, yes, but it bears repeating because Roy Moore has been trying to run against the national news media for the past month.”

How could the same problem look so different to two large sets of people? The answer explains a lot about how we consume and act on political informatio­n in 2017. It begins with the two main categories of media criticism: insider and outsider.

Outsider criticism generally comes in the form of corrective­s aimed at the largest news organizati­ons that maintain a profession­al pretense of fairness — newspapers, wire services, network news broadcasts, some cable networks, news radio. The primary motivation for most watchdog-watchdoggi­ng is political. And because only 7 percent of full-time American journalist­s self-identify as Republican (as of a widely cited 2014 study), the most energized outsider media critics of the moment are on the right.

All political media criticism — whether it was the more left-leaning alternativ­e and New Journalism of the ’60s and ’70s, the right-leaning AM radio revolution of the ’80s and ’90s or the social media cacophony we see today — begins as a necessary and bracing reminder to the big media fish that they, too, swim in water, even if they don’t feel it.

But soon, the outsider critique brushes up against the first iron law of media criticism: Partisan skepticism inevitably drifts toward media illiteracy. What starts out as a tool for more sophistica­ted news consumptio­n eventually degrades into an excuse for those who choose not to believe inconvenie­nt journalism.

Insider media criticism, the kind practiced both by in-house media reporters and various ombudsmen and readers’ representa­tives, suffers from its own iron law: Industrial self-critique inevitably drifts toward pompous defensiven­ess.

The two opposing views on media are self-reinforcin­g and increasing­ly dominate American politics. Anti-media fervor is arguably the strongest glue left holding together the Republican coalition, as evidenced by our president; his troll-Svengali, Breitbart editor Stephen K. Bannon; and the twice-defrocked Alabama jurist Roy Moore.

The legacy media and its left-of-center customer base, meanwhile, cannot resist taking the bait, leading to too much anti-Trump error and an off-putting haughtines­s when called out.

The struggle against Trump’s norms-shattering presidency is real. So is the decreasing marginal utility of crying wolf at every opportunit­y. How to thread that needle? Another CNN anchor, Jake Tapper, pointed the way at the L.A. Press Clubs awards this year.

“We don’t need to give the enemies of the Fourth Estate any ammunition,” Tapper warned. “That means we need to be squeaky clean. We’re not the resistance. We’re not the opposition. We’re here to tell the truth, report the facts, regardless of whom those facts favor one way or the other.”

Matt Welch is editor at large of Reason, a magazine published by the libertaria­n Reason Foundation.

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