Chattanooga Times Free Press



One of the more alarming anecdotes in “Fire and Fury,” Michael Wolff’s incendiary new book about Donald Trump’s White House, involves the firing of James Comey, former director of the FBI. It’s not Trump’s motives that are scary; Wolff reports that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were “increasing­ly panicked” and “frenzied” about what Comey would find if he looked into the family finances. The terrifying part is how, in Wolff’s telling, Trump sneaked around his aides, some of whom thought they’d contained him.

“For most of the day, almost no one would know that he had decided to take matters into his own hands,” Wolff writes. “In presidenti­al annals, the firing of FBI director James Comey may be the most consequent­ial move ever made by a modern president acting entirely on his own.” Now imagine Trump taking the same approach toward ordering the bombing of North Korea.

Wolff’s scabrous book came out Friday and I was able to get an advance copy. It’s already a consequent­ial work, having precipitat­ed a furious rift between the president and his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, who told Wolff that the meeting Donald Trump Jr. brokered with Russians in the hope of getting dirt on Hillary Clinton was “treasonous” and “unpatrioti­c.” On Thursday the president’s lawyers sent a cease-anddesist letter to Wolff’s publisher, Henry Holt, demanding that it stop publicatio­n, claiming, among other things, defamation and invasion of privacy. This move would be fascistic if it weren’t so farcical.

Most of all, the book confirms what is already widely understood — not just that Trump is entirely unfit for the presidency, but that everyone around him knows it. One thread running through “Fire and Fury” is the way relatives, opportunis­ts and officials try to manipulate and manage the president, and how they often fail.

According to Wolff, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff, called Trump an “idiot.” (So did media mogul Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News, though he used an obscenity first.) Trump’s chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn, compares his boss’s intelligen­ce to excrement. The national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, thinks he’s a “dope.”

And yet these people continue to either prop up or defend this sick travesty of a presidency. Wolff takes a few stabs at the motives of Trump insiders. Ivanka Trump apparently nurtured the ghastly dream of following her father into the presidency. Others, Wolff writes, told themselves that they could help protect America from the president they serve: The “mess that might do serious damage to the nation, and, by associatio­n, to your own brand, might be transcende­d if you were seen as the person, by dint of competence and profession­al behavior, taking control of it.”

This is a delusion as wild, in its own way, as Trump’s claim that the “Access Hollywood” tape was faked. Some of the military men trying to steady U.S. foreign policy amid Trump’s whims and tantrums might be doing something quietly decent, sacrificin­g their reputation­s for the greater good. But most members of Trump’s campaign and administra­tion are simply traitors. They are willing, out of some complex mix of ambition, resentment, cynicism and rationaliz­ation, to endanger all of our lives — all of our children’s lives — by refusing to tell the country what they know about the senescent fool who boasts of the size of his “nuclear button” on Twitter.

Maybe, at the moment, people in the Trump orbit feel complacent because a year has passed without any epic disaster. There’s an old joke, recently cited by Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, that describes where we are right now: A guy falls from a 50-story building. As he flies by the 25th floor, someone asks how it’s going. “So far, so good!” he says.

Eventually, we’ll hit the ground, and assuming America survives, there should be a reckoning to dwarf the defenestra­tion of Harvey Weinstein and his fellow ogres. Trump, Wolff’s reporting shows, has no executive function, no ability to process informatio­n or weigh consequenc­es. Expecting him to act in the country’s interest is like demanding that your cat do the dishes. His enablers have no such excuse.

 ??  ?? Michelle Goldberg
Michelle Goldberg

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