Chattanooga Times Free Press

Ethiopian-Israelis decry family separation


JERUSALEM — Zemenech Bililin has not seen her sisters in more than a decade, since she immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia with part of her family. Now a 19-year-old infantry soldier in Israel’s military, Bililin says she is outraged that she is fulfilling her duties as a citizen but the state is shirking its responsibi­lity to bring her relatives to Israel.

Bililin’s family is one of hundreds that have been split between Israel and Ethiopia over what they say is an inconsiste­nt immigratio­n policy, and whose fate hinges on an Israeli government decision over whether to allow for their reunificat­ion. Ethiopians in Israel say the bitter public feud to unite with long-lost relatives has exacerbate­d a feeling that the state discrimina­tes against its Ethiopian minority.

“It’s shocking, in my opinion. They only do this to us, to our ethnicity,” said Bililin. “The state should take responsibi­lity and stop abandoning the Jews.”

The issue faces a critical juncture this week, when the government is tentativel­y scheduled to decide whether to allocate funding to bring as many as 8,000 Ethiopians to Israel to reunite with their families. Israel clandestin­ely airlifted thousands of Ethiopian Jews from the country in the 1980s and ’90s, spending hundreds of millions of dollars to bring the ancient community to the Jewish state and help them integrate. About 140,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel today, a small minority in a country of more than 8 million. But their assimilati­on hasn’t been smooth, with many arriving without a modern education and then falling into unemployme­nt and poverty. As far as Israel is concerned, the drive to bring over Ethiopia’s Jewish community officially ended in the ’90s, but amid pressure from lawmakers and family members, successive Israeli government­s have opened the door to immigratio­n by a community of descendant­s of Ethiopian Jews who were forced to convert to Christiani­ty under duress about a century ago.

Although many of them are practicing Jews, Israel doesn’t consider them Jewish, meaning they are not automatica­lly eligible to immigrate under its “law of return,” which grants automatic citizenshi­p to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparen­t. Instead, the government must OK their arrival.

Community members have been permitted to immigrate over the last two decades in limited bursts that have left hundreds of families torn apart. Nearly 8,000 people in Ethiopia are hoping to immigrate, among them Bililin’s sisters, who as married women applied to immigrate separately.

In 2015, Israel agreed in principle to bring over the remaining Ethiopians who have Israeli relatives, vowing that it would be the last round of Ethiopian immigratio­n and clearing the way for the arrival of 1,300 people last year.

Israel says it has continued to greenlight the community’s immigratio­n on humanitari­an grounds but it also has set a slew of requiremen­ts on those waiting in Ethiopia, in part to prevent what could be an endless loop of immigratio­n claims.

Avraham Neguise, an Ethiopian-Israeli lawmaker in the ruling Likud party who chairs the Israeli parliament’s Absorption and Diaspora Committee, accused the government of dragging its feet and in turn damaging the Ethiopian community’s already brittle relationsh­ip with the state.

“The government is pursuing a discrimina­tory policy by not having the remaining Ethiopian Jews immigrate,” he said. “There’s no doubt that it harms the community’s trust.”

While Ethiopians have made strides in certain fields and have reached the halls of Israel’s parliament, many complain of racism, lack of opportunit­y, endemic poverty and routine police harassment.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Snteayw Girmaw holds a photo of her sister, Zemenech Bililin, wearing an Israeli military uniform, during a solidarity event at a synagogue in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Bililin has not seen her sisters in more than a decade since she immigrated to Israel...
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Snteayw Girmaw holds a photo of her sister, Zemenech Bililin, wearing an Israeli military uniform, during a solidarity event at a synagogue in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Bililin has not seen her sisters in more than a decade since she immigrated to Israel...

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