Chattanooga Times Free Press

Praline is Standout in Recipe for Arugula Salad

- — By Sara Moulton,

Here’s a salad fit to join the lineup for your fanciest dinner or holiday meal. Each of the ingredient­s brings its own unique taste and texture to the mix, but the standout is the praline. A hard candy typically consisting of sugar and nuts, praline was invented in the 17th century by the French (which is why it’s pronounced “prah leen,” not “pray line”). Here in America all these years later, there are two distinct versions of praline — the New Orleans version and the version made everywhere else. This recipe uses the nonNew Orleans type.

At the heart of the praline is its caramel, which is nothing more or less than sugar cooked until it turns golden. The challenge is how to cook it. Typically, we’re advised to combine sugar and water in a saucepan until the sugar dissolves. The process requires using a brush dipped in water to wash any sugar stuck to the sides of the pan into the mixture on the bottom. Doing so is meant to prevent the mixture from crystalizi­ng and becoming cloudy and soft when you want it to end up clear and hard. My best efforts notwithsta­nding, I’ve found that the sugar often crystalize­s anyway.

The Brits have figured out a better way to make caramel (aka burnt sugar): put the sugar in a dry pan over medium heat until it melts, then continue cooking until it becomes golden. Simple and foolproof. If you’re a caramel maker, or you want to be one, this is the best method for you.

As for the other ingredient­s, you’re welcome to swap in different greens, dried fruits or cheeses. And if you’re no fan of pecans, substitute walnuts, pistachios or even peanuts. Whatever the combo, the praline will put it over the top.

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