Chattanooga Times Free Press

Will the presidency grow the president — or not?


What are we to make of precise poll data that reflect nothing short of confusion and contention? Are the polls confused, or is it simply that the interprete­rs of those public-sentiment gauges are confused? Do these polls reflect, or contribute to, our sorry state?

Whatever the answers, the curious fact remains that a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows two seemingly contradict­ory upticks — one for the Democrats’ prospects in November’s midterm congressio­nal elections, and one for President Donald J. Trump’s approval.

Maybe all the contradict­ions we see in our politics are the zeitgeist of the era. This is, after all, a time when the Republican­s are the populists (and, on the issue of Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs, the unlikely allies of the labor unions) and the Democrats are the elitists (and the party most appealing to many of the plutocrats who occupy the commanding heights of the most vibrant parts of the economy).

Indeed, the most profound change may be among the Republican­s. Not so long ago, Sen. Sherrod Brown, the Democrat from Ohio, was quoted as saying that “the Republican establishm­ent has captured the government.” He added, “When it comes to what they’re really trying to do every day, it’s the bidding of the billionair­e Republican establishm­ent —


of Wall Street, of the drug companies, of the gun lobby.”

Not so fast. Maybe the drug companies, maybe the gun lobby, but surely not the Republican establishm­ent. It is aghast at what the Trump administra­tion is doing, especially on trade. Perhaps the only group as disenchant­ed as Brown is with the Trump administra­tion, and with Trump himself, may be the Republican establishm­ent. Its members are watching

their power eroding in slow motion.

The one lesson of American history is that the past is always changing, the settled is always being revised and the reviled are sometimes being rehabilita­ted.

In “The Hidden-Hand Presidency,” the Princeton scholar Fred I. Greenstein wrote this consensus-shattering passage about the Constituti­on, so often regarded with hushed reverence:

“One of the most profound sources of discontent with the performanc­e of presidents was built into the job of chief executive in 1787 by the framers of the Constituti­on. The American president is asked to perform two roles that in most democracie­s are assigned to separate individual­s. He must serve both as chief of state and as the nation’s highest political executive. The roles seem almost designed to collide.”

Greenstein argued that as the head of the executive branch, the president, like a British prime minister, has “intrinsica­lly divisive responsibi­lities,” with the attendant risk of forfeiting “his broad acceptance as leader of the entire nation.” But as chief of state, the president, like constituti­onal monarchs, “is a symbol of unity,” a figure “expected by Americans to represent the entire nation.”

It is in that latter role that Trump is least comfortabl­e; and as a “symbol of unity,” he provides the least comfort to the nation, even to many Republican­s whose loyalty to party and the presidency has been, until now, unquestion­ed.

“For the most part, the presidency changes the president into a better man,” said Craig Shirley, a veteran of several GOP presidenti­al campaigns and the author of four volumes on Ronald Reagan. “When presidents assume office, they often assume a new humility and faith.”

The principal example, as of so much of the presidency, is Abraham Lincoln, who said the only answers he could find were in devout contemplat­ion. “I have been driven many times upon by knees by the overwhelmi­ng conviction that I had nowhere else to go,” he said. “My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficie­nt.”

Much of this is enough to make us rethink the convention­al view of the office — at a time when Trump is in (conscious and deliberate) violation of many of the customs of the presidency. He does not, for example, measure his words; they spill into Twitter at all hours. He has no respect for the convention­s of the office; where previous presidents (Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon) merely harbored doubts about institutio­ns such as the State Department and FBI, Trump is distrustfu­l of them.

“We like to think there’s an act of magic that occurs when someone puts his hand on the Bible for that oath of office,” said presidenti­al historian Richard Norton Smith. “We think that at that moment he grows.”

Not always. Where John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush and Barack Obama were works in progress in the White House, Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush and Trump entered the White House as finished products. The current president is unchanging even as he is changing American politics.

David M. Shribman is executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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David M. Shribman Commentary

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