Chattanooga Times Free Press

Caregivers educated on strategies for disabled


Patti Wade remembers John Goodlet as her loving, independen­t friend who idolized Elvis Presley.

“We called him ‘John Elvis,’ ’cause he always liked to dress up like Elvis and play Elvis music,” she said.

Goodlet had Down syndrome, a genetic disorder caused when a person is born with extra genetic material from chromosome 21. Today, he’s remembered as the inspiratio­n for the Orange Grove Center on Aging, Dementia and Longevity, an education, advocacy and research center in Chattanoog­a focused on the needs of older adults with intellectu­al and developmen­tal disabiliti­es.

Officially establishe­d in March, the center teaches evidence-based caregiving

strategies to family members, medical profession­als, students and anyone interested in learning to better care for seniors with dementia or disabiliti­es.

One of the features is a “virtual dementia tour,” which simulates the distortion and disruption of dementia, an umbrella term for conditions like Alzheimer’s characteri­zed by progressiv­e mental decline, most commonly, memory loss.

“We don’t want folks feeling sorry for people with dementia. We want them to understand what’s going on,” said Dr. Rick Rader, director of habilitati­on at Orange Grove. “It totally changes your perspectiv­e when you can’t rely on your sensibilit­ies and your senses.”

In recent decades, the life expectancy of people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism, has increased tremendous­ly. But with aging comes the risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia.

Moreover, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s is six times higher in people with Down syndrome, and 75 percent of individual­s with Down syndrome who live past 65 will develop the disease, according to a 2012 study in the European journal of neurodegen­erative disease.

It was 12 years ago that Wade, assistant director of supported living at Orange Grove and one of Goodlet’s caregivers, began to notice changes in her friend. For people with Down syndrome in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, behavior changes often appear before memory loss, making the disease hard to pinpoint.

“At first, you really weren’t quite sure what it was, but then it just got more and more obvious that he had a form of dementia,” she said. Then, Goodlet’s sister came to visit.

“She said, ‘He’s acting just like daddy when he had Alzheimer’s,’ and that was that big light bulb moment,” Wade said.

In her quest to help Goodlet, who was at the time in his 50s, Wade sought informatio­n on caring for people with dementia.

“What I found is that there was a lot of informatio­n about Alzheimer’s, but not very much about this population and Alzheimer’s,” she said. “It does present differentl­y. One of the biggies is that it tends to present much earlier than the general population.”

Since people with disabiliti­es, like most individual­s, are living longer due to advancemen­ts in health care, technology and nutrition, Wade’s hope is the center can serve as an informatio­nal resource on caring for that growing demographi­c.

“They have all the same problems that the general population does with aging, plus a host of other things on top of it,” she said.

Rader said greater awareness is needed among providers, who were likely caring for many people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es and Alzheimer’s long before Goodlet.

“One of the reasons that dementia with this population was never announced to us is that our individual­s didn’t live this long,” Rader said, adding that some of the behavioral symptoms of dementia can mimic or be masked by other conditions.

“We have an expression in medical school that says, ‘If you hear hoofbeats, it’s probably horses,’” he said. “But don’t overlook the fact that those hoofbeats can be made by zebras.”

Rader said another problem with diagnosis is a lack of dementia screening tools, since normally physicians use a cognitive test.

“You couldn’t do that with our population,” he said. “On any given day, they couldn’t tell you who the president is. They couldn’t count back from 100 by sevens.”

While the statistics for Alzheimer’s in people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es may seem grim, Wade said the goal of the center is to capitalize on a person’s remaining abilities, rather than worrying about what they’ve lost.

“We want to give the person the best possible quality of life for as long as possible,” she said, adding that small details such as music and creating an environmen­t that’s familiar and consistent can go a long way.

Jack Goodlet, John’s brother, stopped by to visit the center during an open house on Tuesday.

“That was a horrible disease, but John made a lasting impression on everyone he met,” he said. “He already loved everybody. He wasn’t judgmental. I think when normal people go to heaven, they’ll be made like John.”

 ?? STAFF PHOTO BY C.B. SCHMELTER ?? Assistant Director of Supported Living Patti Wade, left, and Jack Goodlet share stories about Jack’s brother, John, during an open house at the Orange Grove Center on Tuesday.
STAFF PHOTO BY C.B. SCHMELTER Assistant Director of Supported Living Patti Wade, left, and Jack Goodlet share stories about Jack’s brother, John, during an open house at the Orange Grove Center on Tuesday.

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