Chattanooga Times Free Press

Late Night Laughs: Around the White House


› First lady Melania Trump made a surprise trip to the U.S.-Mexico border today and visited a facility holding migrant children. “I can’t imagine what terrible things you’ve been through,” said one of the kids to Melania. — Seth Meyers

› Today, first lady Melania Trump made a surprise visit to the U.S.-Mexico border. And this isn’t good — she brought her passport and everything she owns. — Jimmy Fallon

› This is what first ladies often do — go to a troubled area, see the children, show that we care. You can’t mess that up. Guess what — I spoke too soon. Today, on her way to show that she cares, Melania wore a jacket that says “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” That’s what they settled on? What was her first choice, a jacket that says “Womp, Womp”? — Stephen Colbert

› Did you see what she was wearing? Now keep in mind, she was on her way to see children who’ve been separated from their parents. This is what she wore on a plane ride there — a jacket that said “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” Is the president now tweeting onto his wife’s clothes? — Jimmy Kimmel

› The first lady’s getting a lot of flak for the jacket. Her spokeswoma­n said, “It’s a jacket. There was no hidden message.” Well, no one thought the message was hidden. It’s written in big letters on the back. — Jimmy Kimmel

› Melania pressured Donald to stop his family separation policy. She promised that if he did, she’d let him hold her hand for a full three seconds. — Jimmy Fallon

› Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen yesterday dismissed demands that President Trump unilateral­ly end the practice of separating families at the border, and said, “Congress can fix this tomorrow.” Really? Have you MET Congress? They’re still finalizing the Louisiana Purchase. — Seth Meyers

› Trump reversed course today and signed an order to stop separating immigrant kids from their families — and start detaining them together. You know 2018 is rough when people are going, “All right, families getting locked up in cages together! Yeah!” — Jimmy Fallon

› Hundreds of people gathered at LaGuardia airport last night to welcome migrant children who have been separated from their parents at the border. And if you don’t think that’s a big deal, you’ve never asked someone to pick you up at LaGuardia. — Seth Meyers

› Tonight, President Trump held a big rally up in Minnesota. It’s part of his plan to get as far away from the Mexican border as possible. — Jimmy Fallon

› The king and queen of Spain visited Washington. When Trump first heard people speaking Spanish in the White House, he franticall­y pressed the silent alarm button under his desk. — Jimmy Fallon

› President Trump today spoke to the National Federation of Independen­t Businesses. Am I crazy or is he just making up fake organizati­ons to speak to because he’s afraid to talk to actual voters? “Oh, you hate me because of my immigratio­n policies? Funny, because the League of Women Fishermen said they’d love it if I spoke at their Birthday Flounder Fest.” — Seth Meyers

› Dan Scavino, the guy who helps write Trump’s tweets, is considerin­g leaving the White House. After thinking long and hard he said, “I’ve decided it’s time for me to covfefe.” — Jimmy Fallon

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