Chattanooga Times Free Press



One of President Trump’s most persistent and pernicious lies is that immigrants cause an increase in crime. That’s not true. So his whole approach to immigratio­n is rooted in a falsehood, and that makes rational decision-making virtually impossible. Immigratio­n is only one example of a much larger problem. The president’s predilecti­on for embracing “alternativ­e facts” and denying the truth corrupts his judgment on a wide variety of issues, from free trade and economic growth to climate change and relations with Russia.

Rep. Mark Sanford, who was defeated in a Republican primary after he crossed Trump, warned in the Washington Post, “We have become so desensitiz­ed to the president’s tortured relationsh­ip with the truth that we don’t challenge the inaccurate things he and others say. There should be consequenc­es to making things up. But inexplicab­ly, as a society, we have somehow fallen into collective amnesia that it doesn’t matter when the highest officehold­er in the land doesn’t tell the truth.”

Trump recently warned about “murderers and thieves and so much else” who are “invading” and “infesting” the country, and staged a White House event featuring victims of immigrant criminals.

Those victims and criminals do exist, but Trump’s campaign of fear deeply distorts the larger story. As the Post reports: “The social-science research on immigratio­n and crime is clear: Undocument­ed immigrants are considerab­ly less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens, with immigrants legally in the United States even less likely to do so.”

Linking immigratio­n to crime is only one falsehood Trump uses to justify his hardline policies. Another is that immigrants are bad for the economy, driving down wages and taking jobs away from native-born Americans.

That’s not true either. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineerin­g and Medicine reviewed 20 years of data and concluded, “Immigratio­n has an overall positive impact on long-run economic growth in the U.S.”

Demographi­c trends make this finding more valid and vital than ever. The surge of retiring baby boomers — about 10,000 turn 65 every day — comes as U.S. birth rates are plummeting to historic lows. These two developmen­ts place the country’s economic safety net in grave danger. The best answer to that threat: more young, hardworkin­g, tax-paying immigrants — not fewer.

Gerald F. Seib, writing in the Wall Street Journal, concludes: “There is a good case that America’s economy — growing and thriving — has never needed immigrant labor more than it does now.”

And yet this president ignores these facts and follows policies that make the problem worse instead of better. He wants to build a wall across the southern border to keep out these potential taxpayers, while deporting the undocument­ed workers who are already here and even reducing legal immigratio­n.

The Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency has recently raided meat-packing plants, gardening companies and even 7-Eleven stores in search of illegal laborers. With unemployme­nt below 4 percent, who, exactly, does this president think is going to replace those workers? Native-born Americans? Good luck with that.

Trump is convinced that his ferocious anti-immigrant policies are popular with his political base. “I think I got elected largely because we are strong in the border,” he recently told a rally in Nevada, and he’s probably right about that.

Immigratio­n is a good thing for America — morally as well as economical­ly. And Sanford is right: There should be consequenc­es for “making things up.”

Only the voters can make sure Trump and his allies pay a high price for rejecting reality.

 ??  ?? Cokie Roberts and Steven V. Roberts
Cokie Roberts and Steven V. Roberts

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