Chattanooga Times Free Press

Man stabs 9 people at birthday party


BOISE, Idaho — A man who had been asked to leave an Idaho apartment complex because of bad behavior returned the next day and stabbed nine people, including six children, at a toddler’s birthday party, police said.

Timmy Kinner showed up late Saturday at the complex, which houses many resettled refugee families in Boise. Kinner, who is not a refugee, targeted the party was held a few doors down from the apartment where he had stayed for a short time, police said.

“This incident is not a representa­tion of our community but a single evil individual who attacked people without provocatio­n that we are aware of at this time,” Police Chief William Bones said Sunday.

The victims included the 3-year-old birthday girl and five other children ages 4 to 12. Three adults who came to their defense also were hurt. Some were gravely wounded, Bones said.

A resident of the complex had recently met Kinner, who was new to the area and needed a place to stay, Bones said.

“I believe her perception was, ‘Here’s a helping hand I can give in return for a helping hand I have been given,’” Bones said.

The resident asked Kinner to leave Friday when his behavior became a problem, and he did so peacefully, Bones said. The police chief did not elaborate on his behavior. The woman was not among the victims.

Esrom Habte, 12, and Fathi Mahamoud, 11, were playing in the grass behind their apartment when the attack began. They saw the suspect chasing people.

“We saw him saying, like, bad words and stabbing a kid and a grown-up and really hard and a lot of times,” Esrom said.

The two ran into an apartment and hid in a closet with other children until police told them it was safe to come out, he said.

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