Chattanooga Times Free Press

Late Night Laughs: Around the White House

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Last night Trump returned home from his trip to Finland. Trump walked into the White House and immediatel­y texted Putin that he got home safe. — Jimmy Fallon ›

After Trump threw U.S. intelligen­ce agencies under the bus in Finland, there were protesters outside the White House shouting “Go back to Russia.” But don’t worry, the Secret Service was able to get Melania to quiet down. — Jimmy Fallon ›

During an interview with Vladimir Putin yesterday, Fox News host Chris Wallace tried to give Putin a copy of the indictment­s of 12 Russian nationals for meddling in the election. And then Putin tried to get Wallace to “Smell this cloth.” — Seth Meyers

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today warned Russia to not meddle in the upcoming midterm elections, and then he winked so hard his neck got smooth. — Seth Meyers ›

It’s come out that President Trump’s new communicat­ions director has changed the White House lighting so Trump looks younger. Even more impressive, the new lighting makes Melania look happy. — Conan O’Brien ›

Sarah Palin is complainin­g that she was tricked and humiliated by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. Yes — apparently 10 years ago he tricked Palin into thinking she was actually qualified to be vice president. — Conan O’Brien

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