Chattanooga Times Free Press



In parts of California now, a person can go into a public park, shoot up heroin, throw the used syringe on the sidewalk, walk into the street and then poop in the highway — all without consequenc­e. But the moment that person pulls out a plastic straw and places it into a cup of God knows what, he could go to jail.

The city council in Santa Barbara, California, voted recently to throw restaurant employees in jail for up to six months if they give plastic straws to customers. San Francisco is following suit, as are other progressiv­e meccas like Seattle. A national chain of progressiv­e homeless shelters and communal bathrooms operating under the name Starbucks is banning straws, too. You can get plastic cups with plastic lids, but straws are forbidden.

This is all part of the latest religious craze sweeping the United States, and it, like religions of old, has state sponsorshi­p. As Christiani­ty declines in America, religion and religious worship have not gone away. They have morphed into something new. Religion is the belief in a higher power that leads to the developmen­t of a system of worship, ethics and ultimately a defined theology related to understand­ing man’s relationsh­ip to that higher power.

Universiti­es and madrasas developed in the Middle Ages to educate people about the world through a theologica­l lens. This has not changed, but American universiti­es now have an underlying theologica­l foundation different from their founding.

The religion is secularism. The god is creation, often articulate­d as Mother Nature or science. Secularist­s believe, like theologian­s of old, that their god can be understood through text, equation and being in its presence. They have created a systematic theology with scripture, theologica­l anthropolo­gy, ecclesiolo­gy, sacrament and eschatolog­y.

The chief sacrament for the left is abortion. Government must fund it and all must support it. There is a system of denials and sacrifice to show penance and humility. We must sacrifice plastic straws for the good of Mother Earth. We must recycle, sweat more during the summer, move into cities where cars can be more strictly limited and give up meat.

Christiani­ty believes people are individual­ly and collective­ly sinful. Secularism believes people collective­ly are good, but individual­ly can corrupt the whole. Christiani­ty believes man must embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to find salvation. Secularism believes man must embrace the collective state to find salvation. Christians believe the individual is obligated to take care of others. Liberal Christians on their way out the church door into secularism read Scripture as a call for society to enact social justice to build heaven on earth. Fully converted secularist­s abdicate personal obligation­s to the state altogether.

Christiani­ty upheld by sinners has not always lived up to its calling, but it also fueled the abolitioni­st zeal against slavery and sent missionari­es to aid the poor. Secularism, convinced of the collective goodness of man, brought us Nazism, Communism and socialism — the only difference among the three being that some still claim the latter two have never been authentica­lly practiced.

The Christian worldview is the only consistent worldview to both explain what is happening on the planet and how to heal old wounds. Christians posit that mankind is sinful and that we need our relationsh­ip with the Creator restored to even have good relationsh­ips between people. Progressiv­es believe mankind is collective­ly good and the state should stamp out the individual­s who would corrupt the whole. So while the Christian sees a need to fund homeless shelters and food banks with their own money, progressiv­es let homeless people poop in the streets while demanding the state do something so long as that something does not involve straws.

 ??  ?? Erick Erickson
Erick Erickson

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