Chattanooga Times Free Press




1 Torn

11 __ drop 14 Shakes on it 15 Andean cash crop 16 Parents often limit it

17 GPS displays 18 Worn

19 Dog in the Reagan White House 20 Try

21 __ strength 23 Northern cruise destinatio­n 25 Yeshiva reference 28 Works like Beethoven’s “Ah! perfido” 29 Lean, to sailors

33 1988 self-titled C&W album 34 “Wanna bet?” 35 “My mistake” 38 Mark 39 Cheek, in slang 40 Zipped (through) 41 Comedic honker

42 Jam 44 Western range 46 Uncompromi­sing types 51 Mideast carrier

52 Took in 55 Written creation of Michelange­lo 56 __ lives 57 Unlikely to inherit the crown soon 59 1860s-’70s Black Hawk War combatants 60 Station 61 Basilica bench 62 Some squirts


1 “Ready?” response 2 Mother-of-pearl 3 Ohio university 4 Exploits 5 “Over there!” 6 Super superior 7 W.V. summer hours

8 ’70s Mideast prime minister 9 Jerry Herman musical 10 Amazon assistant 11 Makes one’s residence 12 Rockefelle­r Center holiday visitor 13 Discard 15 Large falls 22 Raises 24 Spike 26 Roughly 27 Strapped 29 “Chill out!” 30 Ancient Semitic language speaker 31 Begin again 32 Polliwogs 36 Vegas’ __ Museum 37 Declining 43 Palm parts 45 Off-color 47 Coastal feature 48 Wading bird 49 Purport 50 Marks in margins

53 Leaf used in the dish laulau 54 Genesis character 58 Begin to type?

 ??  ??

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