Chattanooga Times Free Press

Running can slow down some aspects of aging


DEAR DOCTOR: I’ve been an avid runner since high school, but I’m turning 65 this summer and my wife and my kids have been after me to switch to walking. I think I remember a study that said running actually makes you younger. If so, can you help with a recap?

DEAR READER: Decades of research show that as people age, their “walking economy” declines. That is, despite expending increasing­ly more energy, the rate at which older adults walk grows progressiv­ely slower and less efficient. Since walking performanc­e is tied to a variety of important health indicators in older adults, this slowdown has become a focus of research. In one study, scientists evaluated the walking performanc­e of 30 women and men whose ages ranged from mid-60s to early 70s. Half regularly walked for at least 30 minutes at a time, three times per week. The other half also exercised three times a week for 30 minutes at a stretch, but at a brisker pace — at least a jog.

After being evaluated on specialize­d equipment to measure energy output and oxygen usage, it turned out that the runners were the most efficient at walking. Even

more surprising, their energy usage was comparable to that of a sedentary 20-year-old. The walking group, meanwhile, did not perform any better than people their own age who did not exercise. Bottom line, according to the researcher­s, is that the physiologi­cal effects of running slowed certain aspects of the aging process.

Lest any of you non-running readers decide to ditch exercise altogether (please don’t!), it’s important to note that walking still offers multiple important health benefits. These include improved cardiovasc­ular health, improved mood, better weight control and a lower incidence of diabetes. What walking doesn’t appear to do, according to this study anyway, is head off the age-associated dip in kinestheti­c efficiency. Although the reason why isn’t entirely clear, researcher­s suspect that running has a positive effect on muscle physiology and energy production, which take place at a cellular level.

 ??  ?? Dr. Elizabeth Ko
Dr. Elizabeth Ko

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