Chattanooga Times Free Press

Dogs and Halloween candy don’t mix

- Sunny Montgomery

Three Halloweens ago, my dog Red ate an entire bag of Hershey miniature chocolates, wrappers and all. He spent the night getting sick, but he survived — serving as evidence that not all dogs are fatally allergic to chocolate.

Of course, I’m not suggesting chocolate is safe for dogs. I am mentioning it only because as Red ages, I am finding it more difficult to say “no” when he begs. So, for both of our sakes, I did some research on which human foods are safe for dogs and which are not.

Here’s what I found, courtesy of the American Kennel Club.


▶ Plain yogurt is good for dogs, but avoid yogurts with added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

▶ Milk and cheese in small quantities can also be healthy treats for your pup.

▶ However, ice cream should not be shared with your furry friend.


▶ Fish is beneficial for dogs, with two caveats: never feed your pup raw fish, and limit his or her intake to twice a week. Also, be sure to remove any bones. ▶ Pork, turkey and shrimp are also OK for dogs. So is ham — although it is high in sodium and salt, so don’t make it a habit.


▶ Cashews, peanuts and peanut butter are OK. ▶ But beware: Almonds, pecans, walnuts and macadamia nuts can be dangerous to dogs. Almonds can block the esophagus or tear the windpipe. Pecans, walnuts and macadamia nuts can be toxic to your pup.


▶ Bread will not hurt your dog, but it also does not provide any health benefits.

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