Chattanooga Times Free Press



Tuesday brought Day 25 of the partial government shutdown, the longest such stoppage on record. Blame President Donald Trump and congressio­nal Democrats for choosing stubbornne­ss over compromise.

These shutdowns get more respect than they deserve — they’re mutual failures of governance. There have been 20 previous times since the mid-1970s when the president and Congress failed to reach a spending agreement, resulting in either furloughs or suspended paychecks for some federal workers.

That’s embarrassi­ng. There’s no more fundamenta­l responsibi­lity of elected officials than keeping the lights on. And no more sacred duty of any employer than assuring payroll gets distribute­d on time. Government shutdowns exist in theory as a prod to budget negotiator­s because a deadline without an accompanyi­ng “or else” is useless. As the witching hour approaches and tensions rise, each side can claim to be maintainin­g a principled stance. But, come on. Once the deadline passes, the players should stop strutting and strike a deal.

You know the politics behind this shutdown: Trump wants a wall on the Southern border to prevent immigrants from entering the United States without permission. He’s defined his presidency as a quest to build the wall, without ever holding to specifics about what it would look like. Yet he demands $5.7 billion in wall financing or he’ll allow the government to stay partially shuttered. Democrats, newly in control of the House and sensing Trump’s political weakness, refuse to budge on their stance that the wall is immoral.

OK, if a border barrier is immoral, what’s a shutdown? Unethical. There are 800,000 federal employees hit by the shutdown, about evenly divided between those at home without pay and those on the job but not receiving their paychecks. Among the employees reporting for duty each day but worried about paying the rent are air traffic controller­s and airport security workers employed by the Transporta­tion Security Administra­tion.

While those TSA employees are required to work, the absentee rate is rising, which has led to checkpoint­s being closed at some airports. The strain is showing.

Neither Trump and congressio­nal Republican­s nor the Democrats look capable. Both sides have boxed themselves in. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is waiting out Trump, hoping he’ll crack. She doesn’t want to lose the first battle of her second tenure in leadership. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t trying to corral Republican­s because he sees no proposal Trump would endorse. On Monday the president turned down a suggestion to reopen the government for a three-week negotiatin­g period. “I’m not looking to call a national emergency,” Trump said, repeating a draconian threat. “This is so simple you shouldn’t have to.”

He’s right. It shouldn’t be this hard. There are solutions to craft, including one we endorsed recently that would see money for Trump’s wall (or “border security,” if you’re a Democrat), in exchange for an agreement to maintain the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for the thousands of young immigrants known as Dreamers.

If Trump, Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, including Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, don’t like that compromise, they had better find another. Elected officials go to Washington to run the government. Right now, the lot of them look incompeten­t.

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