Chattanooga Times Free Press



When you receive your paycheck and look at the withholdin­g for federal, state and sometimes city taxes, along with Social Security and Medicare, you probably don’t think you’re underpayin­g government­s and want them to take more.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio believes that if you have played by what used to be called “the rules” and are making a decent living, taking care of yourself and your family and not relying on government, your taxes should be increased.

In his State of the City address last week, de Blasio said, “… brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands.” He continued: “You haven’t been paid what you deserve for all the hard work. You haven’t been given the time you deserve. You’re not living the life you deserve. And here is the cold, hard truth: It’s no accident. It’s an agenda.” He blamed presidenti­al administra­tions from Reagan to Trump.

The mayor ignores the tax cuts and in some cases spending reductions that have fueled an economic boom, producing more wealth for individual­s and more revenue for government­s.

The mayor is not alone in promoting unvarnishe­d liberalism, which the many on the left have tried to mask behind the “progressiv­e” euphemism. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, suggests we institute a 70 percent tax rate on the wealthy. Julian Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio and HUD secretary, who just announced he is running for president, has resurrecte­d the “fair share” lingo of past Democrats. In an interview with ABC News, Castro seemed nostalgic for a time when the top marginal tax rate was 90 percent.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachuse­tts, who has formed a presidenti­al explorator­y committee, hasn’t said what top tax rate she favors, but she told CNBC last July that “Ninety percent sounds pretty shockingly high.” Why, because it would stifle incentive? What about 80 percent? Why not confiscate all private-sector money and let the government decide how much each of us should be allowed to have? Wouldn’t pure socialism be a dream come true for the far left?

It’s not that higher taxes and more government spending hasn’t been tried. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, a series of U.S. programs charged with totally eliminatin­g poverty and racial injustice in the country, is but one example. Johnson failed to achieve his goal of wiping out poverty because his social programs began in Washington, not in individual hearts and minds.

The Wall Street Journal recently carried a column about Sweden’s experience with socialism. It was written by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, a professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, and Lee E. Ohanian, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institutio­n and professor of economics at UCLA.

The authors noted, “Until the mid20th century, Sweden pursued highly competitiv­e market-based policies. By 1970 Sweden achieved the world’s fourth-highest per capita income. Then increasing­ly radical Social Democratic government­s raised taxes, spending and regulation much more than any other Western European country. Economic performanc­e sputtered. By the early 1990s, Sweden’s per capita income ranking had dropped to 14th. Economic growth from 1970 to the early 1990s was roughly 1 percentage point lower than in Europe and 2 points lower than in the U.S.”

In 1991, they write, a market-oriented government assumed power and instituted major reforms. As a result, the country is now “richer than all of the major EU countries and is within 15 percent of U.S. per capita GDP. While Sweden still has a larger government than the U.S., its tax code is flatter. The progressiv­ity of the U.S. tax code distorts incentives.” Precisely!

Sweden’s experience with socialism has a lesson for Americans and especially millennial­s, a majority of whom favor socialism over capitalism, according to a 2016 Harvard University survey. Maybe they should take a closer look at their pay stubs and ask themselves whether they would be OK with handing over more of their net pay to federal, state and local government­s that irresponsi­bly and unnecessar­ily spend their money on programs that don’t work.

 ??  ?? Cal Thomas
Cal Thomas

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