Chattanooga Times Free Press

House passes bipartisan debt and budget bill with Trump support


WASHINGTON — Observing a rare ceasefire in their battles with President Donald Trump, the Democratic-controlled House on Thursday easily passed bipartisan debt and budget legislatio­n to permit the Treasury to issue bonds to pay the government’s bills and lock in place recent budget gains for both the Pentagon and domestic agencies.

The measure, passed by a 284-149 vote, would head off another politicall­y dangerous government shutdown and add a measure of stability to action this fall on a $1.37 trillion slate of annual appropriat­ions bills.

The hard-won agreement between the administra­tion and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lifts the limit on the government’s $22 trillion debt for two years and averts the risk of the Pentagon and domestic agencies from being hit with $125 billion in automatic spending cuts that are all that’s left of a failed 2011 budget pact. It is a welcome detente for lawmakers seeking to avoid political and economic turmoil over the possibilit­y of a government shutdown or first federal default.

Trump took to Twitter to give the legislatio­n his strongest endorsemen­t yet: “House Republican­s should support the TWO YEAR BUDGET AGREEMENT which greatly helps our Military and our Vets.” He added in a note of encouragem­ent, “I am totally with you!”

Democrats rallied behind the legislatio­n, which protects domestic programs some of them have fought to protect for decades through extended stretches of GOP control of Congress. Pelosi held the vote open to make sure the tally of Democratic votes topped the 218 required to pass the measure with Democratic support alone.

House GOP conservati­ves, many of whom won election promising to tackle entrenched federal deficits, generally recoiled from it.

Many supporters, including the GOP leadership team, praised the bill as an imperfect but necessary result of Washington’s current divided balance of power and an already overheated presidenti­al campaign.

“The alternativ­es are very, very bad,” said Rep. Kay Granger of Texas, the top Republican on the Appropriat­ions Committee.

But it contains no new steps to curb spending elsewhere in the budget, rankling conservati­ves and lawmakers alarmed by the return of $1 trillion-plus budget deficits.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS ?? Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., left and President Donald Trump agreed to pass a bipartisan budget bill that will avoid a potentiall­y damaging government shutdown.
ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., left and President Donald Trump agreed to pass a bipartisan budget bill that will avoid a potentiall­y damaging government shutdown.
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