Chattanooga Times Free Press


- E.J. Dionne Jr.

WASHINGTON — President Trump and his Republican apologists — including his defense lawyer who moonlights as the nation’s attorney general — do not believe a single word they have said about former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The GOP has claimed that it shows “no collusion, no obstructio­n.” But their behavior at Wednesday’s hearings, not to mention Mueller’s own words, prove they have been lying.

Because the report does not and never did say what Trump and his band of servile attendants claim it says, Trump himself started sending out his nuke-Mueller marching orders to Republican­s at 6:50 a.m. Wednesday. He assailed “this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country” — meaning the effort to hold him accountabl­e — accused Mueller of being “highly conflicted” and referred to Mueller’s “many Democrat Never Trumper lawyers.”

GOP committee members slavishly fell in behind the disinforma­tion effort with shameless, reckless and conspiracy-minded assertions against Mueller, even as he observed the gag order issued by Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department that he not discuss matters outside the confines of his report.

It was a heads-we-win, tails-Mueller-loses setup: Mueller is limited in what he can say, and then House Republican­s attack Mueller for failing to answer questions he’s barred from answering.

But as the day wore on, the outrageous­ness of the Republican strategy became ever clearer and their core fear ever more obvious: If Americans take seriously what Mueller and his team found, Trump is in a lot of trouble.

And with the passing of the hours, Mueller got increasing­ly steely. “It is not a witch hunt,” he snapped when asked about Trump’s favorite locution. Asked if Trump’s answers to him weren’t always truthful, Mueller replied, devastatin­gly, “generally.” About Trump’s encouragem­ent of WikiLeaks, he said: “Problemati­c is an understate­ment in terms of what it displays of giving some hope or some boost to what is and should be illegal activity.”

Mueller’s steadiness in the face of repeated Republican provocatio­ns and his unwavering confirmati­ons of his report’s genuinely scandalous findings about Trump sent a message: Only a country that doesn’t care about the rule of law, has given up on holding presidents accountabl­e and is too cowardly to stand up to foreign interferen­ce in our elections would simply let all of this go. Wednesday provided a mandate for pressing on.

Late in the Judiciary Committee session, Rep. Greg Stanton, D-Arizona, underscore­d what was going on. “The attacks on you and your team intensifie­d because your report is damning,” Stanton said, “and I believe you did uncover substantia­l evidence of high crimes and misdemeano­rs.”

This was a kind of coda to the very first set of inquiries from Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, who asked: “Director Mueller, the president has repeatedly claimed that your report found there was no obstructio­n and that it completely and totally exonerated him, but that is not what your report said, is it?”

Mueller replied: “Correct. That is not what the report said.”

Democrats left no doubt that they see former White House Counsel Don McGahn as the linchpin of their future efforts, much as John Dean, another White House counsel, was devastatin­g to Richard Nixon in Watergate. In response to several lawmakers, Mueller reiterated that Trump told McGahn to get the special counsel fired and then pushed his staff to falsify records about the request. The fight for McGahn’s testimony will be this scandal’s Armageddon.

Two moments brought home why Wednesday marked just one step on a long road.

Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, closed the morning session this way: “It now falls on us to hold President Trump accountabl­e.”

And Rep. Adam Schiff, D-California, ended the afternoon hearing with a peroration on the many questions still unanswered about what Trump had done.

“We must find out,” he said of Congress. It must, and no amount of post-hearing spin can change that.

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