Chattanooga Times Free Press

With split delayed, United Methodists face a year in limbo


NEW YORK — Had there been no coronaviru­s pandemic, America’s largest mainline Protestant denominati­on would be convening this week for a likely vote to break up over difference­s on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ pastors.

Instead, the United Methodist Church was forced to postpone the potentiall­y momentous conference, leaving its various factions in limbo for perhaps 16 more months. The deep doctrinal difference­s seem irreconcil­able, but for now there’s agreement that response to the pandemic takes priority.

“The people who are really in trauma right now cannot pay the price of our difference­s,” said Kenneth Carter, the Florida-based president of the UMC’s Council of Bishops. “What is in our minds and hearts is responding to death, illness, grief, loss of work.”

The conference was to have taken place at the Minneapoli­s Convention Center starting Tuesday, running through May 15. Instead, bishops are proposing to hold it there Aug. 31-Sept. 10 of next year.

The difference­s have simmered for years, and came to a head in February 2019 at a conference in St. Louis where delegates voted 438-384 for a proposal strengthen­ing bans on LGBTQ-inclusive practices. Most U.S.-based delegates opposed that plan and favored LGBTQ-friendly options; they were outvoted by U.S. conservati­ves teamed with most of the delegates from Methodist stronghold­s in Africa and the Philippine­s.

In the aftermath of that meeting, many moderate and liberal clergy made clear they would not abide by the bans, and various groups worked throughout 2019 on proposals to let the UMC split along theologica­l lines.

There have been at least four different proposals for how to implement a split.

The most widely discussed plan has a long name — the Protocol of Reconcilia­tion & Grace Through Separation — and some high-level support.

It was negotiated by 16 bishops and advocacy group leaders with differing views on LGBTQ inclusion. They were assisted by renowned mediator Kenneth Feinberg, who administer­ed victim compensati­on funds stemming from the 9/11 attacks and the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Under the protocol, conservati­ve congregati­ons and regional bodies would be allowed to separate from the UMC and form a new denominati­on. They would receive $25 million in UMC funds and be able to keep their properties.

Formed in a merger in 1968, the UMC claims about 12.6 million members worldwide, including nearly 7 million in the United States. Leaders of the various factions have avoided making prediction­s of how many members might leave for a new denominati­on.

 ?? AP PHOTO/CHARLIE RIEDEL ?? A gay pride rainbow flag flies along with the U.S. flag in front of the Asbury United Methodist Church last year in Prairie Village, Kan.
AP PHOTO/CHARLIE RIEDEL A gay pride rainbow flag flies along with the U.S. flag in front of the Asbury United Methodist Church last year in Prairie Village, Kan.

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