Chattanooga Times Free Press

GOP lawmakers try to rein in Democratic governors


MADISON, Wis. — Republivca­n-controlled legislatur­es are increasing­ly trying to strip Democratic governors of their executive authority to close businesses and schools, a power grab by lawmakers that channels frustratio­n over the economic toll of the coronaviru­s pandemic but could come with long-term consequenc­es for how their states fight disease.

The efforts to undermine Democratic governors who invoked stay-athome orders are most pronounced in states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia, all three of which have divided government and are key to President Donald Trump’s path to reelection. Democratic governors there face lawsuits, legislatio­n and other moves by Republican­s trying to seize control of the response to the virus. All three states have also been hotbeds of rightwing protest pushing for a faster reopening.

The GOP lawmakers’ strategy echoes earlier attempts in some states to curb the powers of Democratic governors. But this round comes with added health and political risk. By pressing for a faster reopening and seeking to override their governors, Republican­s are betting that Americans are ready to restart economic activity — even if that risks steady infection rates and death in the months leading to the November election.

The moves come despite a recent survey by The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research that found a wide share of Americans say they are in favor of requiring people to stay at home, except for essential errands. But Republican­s are mindful of other data, such as unemployme­nt spiking toward 15% and higher — levels not seen since the Great Depression.

“A lot of people have this idea that we can just wait until it’s gone. … We’ve got to live with this thing and you can’t live on unemployme­nt forever, you can’t live on federal stimulus forever,” said Pennsylvan­ia Republican state Rep. Russ Diamond, who boasted on social media of shopping without a mask this past week.

In Wisconsin, Republican­s who control the Legislatur­e asked the conservati­ve-controlled state Supreme Court to block Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ “safer at home” order which runs until May 26 and take authority away from his health secretary to issue extensions. In any future emergency, the secretary would have to work with the Legislatur­e.

The Evers administra­tion argued that limiting a governor’s ability to declare an emergency would prevent a quick response to any future epidemic. Attorney General Josh Kaul cited a 1905 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the “paramount necessity that a community … protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”

Conservati­ve justices voiced opposition to Evers’ order during oral arguments, with one likening the order to tyranny and Japanese internment camps during World War II. A ruling was expected any day.

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