Chattanooga Times Free Press

Chondrocal­cinosis causes pain in joints


DEAR DOCTOR: I was recently diagnosed with chondrocal­cinosis, which is quite painful. I know it’s similar to gout, though it is due to calcium crystals rather than urea. What treatments can help with pain? I don’t want to have a second knee replacemen­t.

DEAR READER: You’re correct that the term chondrocal­cinosis refers to a buildup of calcium crystals, specifical­ly calcium pyrophosph­ate dihydrate crystals, within a joint. Sometimes referred to as pseudogout, it’s most often seen in the knee, but can also affect the elbow, shoulder, wrist and ankle joints. The accumulate­d crystals in the joint trigger an immune response, which results in inflammati­on, stiffness, swelling and pain within the joint. Episodes can last anywhere from several days to several months. The condition is often detected via an X-ray, which makes it possible to see the accumulati­on of calcium deposits. It’s a tricky diagnosis, though, because stiff and aching joints, and additional symptoms such as warmth and redness, are also common to osteoarthr­itis and rheumatoid arthritis. For a definitive diagnosis, a bit of fluid is removed from an inflamed joint and tested for the presence of calcium pyrophosph­ate crystals.

Anyone can develop chondrocal­cinosis, but the risk rises significan­tly with advancing age. According to some estimates, it’s found in up to one-fifth of people over the age of 60, and in half of those 90 and older. As with gout, the condition can cause both short- and long-term swelling in the articulate­d, or movable, joints. Some people have flare-ups in more than one joint, and some also experience­s a low-grade fever.

Although a specific cause for chondrocal­cinosis hasn’t yet been identified, it is seen more often in people who have high blood levels of calcium (hypercalce­mia), of iron (hemochroma­tosis), or hypomagnes­emia, which is too little magnesium. Diet does not appear to play a role in flare-ups.

We’re sorry to say that at this time, there is no known way to dissolve or remove the calcium pyrophosph­ate crystals within the joint. Instead, the emphasis is on managing the condition. The goal is to ease inflammati­on and pain and to limit the degenerati­ve tissue damage that the condition can cause. During flare-ups, nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ry drugs, or NSAIDs, can ease pain, stiffness and swelling. For people who take blood thinners, or those who have stomach ulcers or poor kidney function, the use of NSAIDs may not be an option. In those cases, an aspiration procedure to remove fluid from the joint, along with an injection of a corticoste­roid to manage inflammati­on, can provide relief. There is evidence that low doses of a medication used for gout, known as colchicine, can be effective in limiting flare-ups.

You mentioned the possibilit­y of a knee replacemen­t. This is a procedure that is sometimes recommende­d in more serious cases. If your particular case of chondrocal­cinosis is severe enough that this has been presented as an option, we recommend that you seek guidance from a rheumatolo­gist. These are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoske­letal disease and have an expertise in this painful and sometimes debilitati­ng condition. Your health care provider should be able to provide you with a referral.

 ?? Dr. Elizabeth Ko
Eve Glazier ??
Dr. Elizabeth Ko Dr. Eve Glazier

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