Chattanooga Times Free Press

Christ will return to bring judgment


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The masking of our society has instilled fear in people. Some people even wonder, in fear, if Jesus Christ is getting ready to return as He promised. Why is this? - F.P.

A: The unease of our time is reflected in so much of the entertainm­ent that people seek. People flocked to the most highly anticipate­d Hollywood movie release in the summer of 2012 to answer the question: “Do you think he’s coming back?” Who were they talking about? It was the legendary comic-strip superhero of the 1940s, a caped crusader who triumphs over archvillai­ns portrayed in the film The Dark Knight Rises. But entertainm­ent turned to a murderous reality when a masked perpetrato­r entered a jam-packed theatre in Colorado and dispersed tear gas and ammunition into the audience.

A woman later said, “I came thinking that good would win over evil, but

evil has triumphed again. I will always be on the lookout for evil that lurks in the darkness.”

This caused people to ask, “Is there any hope that society can be changed?” The answer is yes, but it is astounding to see people’s acceptance of superheroe­s, but so easily reject the Son of God who came out of the glory of Heaven to take our sin away, redeem us, and give us the hope of eternal life with Jesus Christ.

Christ one day is coming back to bring judgment. But today, He is standing ready to forgive sinners. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Jesus wants to give us hope for the future. Saving faith is a commitment to receive His gift of grace. It’s a personal decision; it’s faith in the promises of God - the believer’s only hope (John 5:24; 1 John 5:10-11).

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Billy Graham

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