Chattanooga Times Free Press

College students favor Biden over Trump


LOS ANGELES — College students prefer Joe Biden to President Donald Trump by an overwhelmi­ng margin, but roughly half of them still have an unfavorabl­e impression of the former vice president, according to a new poll.

The Knight Foundation’s nationwide survey of 4,000 full-time undergradu­ates found that 70% of them plan to vote for Biden, and 18% for Trump. More than four out of five had an unfavorabl­e impression of the Republican president.

But the students were almost evenly split on Trump’s Democratic challenger, with 49% reporting a favorable impression of Biden and 51% unfavorabl­e.

The poll was consistent with many other surveys finding that much of Biden’s support comes from voters more motivated by their disapprova­l of Trump.

The top concern of the students surveyed was, by far, COVID-19, followed by race relations and climate change. The poll came as colleges and universiti­es are struggling to reopen safely, with epidemiolo­gists warning that students on campuses that have reopened are spreading the coronaviru­s at parties where many do not social distance or wear masks.

More than two-thirds of the students said they would like the U.S. Constituti­on to be amended to abolish the Electoral College and elect the president by popular vote.

Trump is the second president in the past two decades to lose the popular vote — in his case, by 2.9 million votes — yet win the presidency by carrying enough states to win the electoral college.

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