Chattanooga Times Free Press

Trump aims to boost rural turnout in Wisconsin


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump aimed to boost enthusiasm among rural Wisconsin voters Thursday, looking to repeat his path to victory four years ago.

Making his fifth visit to the pivotal battlegrou­nd state this year, Trump views success in the state’s less-populated counties as critical to another term. He held a rally Thursday evening in Mosinee, in central Wisconsin, an area of the state that shifted dramatical­ly toward Republican­s in 2016, enabling Trump to overcome even greater deficits in urban and suburban parts of the state.

Trump, hinging his campaign on turning out his core supporters, has increasing­ly used his public appearance­s to elevate cultural issues important to his generally whiter and older base. Earlier Thursday, in a speech at the National Archives to commemorat­e Constituti­on Day, he derided The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which aims to reframe the country’s history by highlighti­ng the consequenc­es of slavery and the contributi­ons of Black Americans.

“For many years now, the radicals have mistaken Americans’ silence for weakness. But they are wrong,” Trump said. “There is no more powerful force than a parent’s love for their children — and patriotic moms and dads are going to demand that their children are no longer fed hateful lies about this country.”

Trump’s last visit to Wisconsin came on Sept. 1, when he met with law enforcemen­t and toured damage from protests in Kenosha that turned violent after the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man hit seven times in the back during an attempted arrest. Trump has sought to use the unrest after the August shooting of Blake and the May police killing of George Floyd to tout a “law and order” message and to paint an apocalypti­c vision of violence if Democrat Joe Biden wins on Nov. 3.

Trump won Marathon County, which includes Mosinee, by more than 12,000 votes in 2016 — over three times more than the margin by which 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney won the area. Trump’s team is wagering the 2020 contest on a similar performanc­e in the county and the dozens of others like it across battlegrou­nd states.

Trump’s path to 270 Electoral College votes may well hinge on Wisconsin, and his campaign is investing tens of millions of dollars on advertisin­g and get-out-the-vote efforts in the state.

Trump’s event was set to take place at an aircraft hangar at the Mosinee airport, his campaign’s preferred format for mass rallies amid the coronaviru­s, though Trump has been willing to host large events indoors as well, sometimes in violation of state and federal distancing guidelines.

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