Chattanooga Times Free Press

First lady promotes Trump’s approach to opioid crisis in N.H.


CONCORD, N.H. — First lady Melania Trump used her first solo trip outside Washington since before the start of the coronaviru­s pandemic to showcase a piece of her “Be Best” youth well-being initiative on Thursday in a state her husband is hoping to win in November.

The first lady toured Concord Hospital in New Hampshire’s capital city with James Carroll, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, in an effort to highlight the hospital’s treatment programs for babies born with neonatal abstinence syndrome. Mrs. Trump, who has focused many of her public efforts on health issues such as the nation’s opioid crisis, tweeted earlier in the day that the appearance was a nod to Recovery Month.

The appearance came during the stretch run of this year’s presidenti­al election, in which President Donald Trump needs to pick up swing states like New Hampshire to win re-election. Trump lost the state to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by fewer than 3,000 votes in 2016. It was the second narrowest margin of victory in the election. Only Michigan was closer, and Trump won that state.

During Thursday’s appearance, Melania Trump said combating opioid abuse is one of the “three pillars of my Be Best initiative.” She also touted her husband’s administra­tion’s release of $1.5 billion to states and tribes to address the crisis.

“Be Best encourages the creation of a safer, healthier and more hopeful world for our children,” Mrs. Trump said. “And thanks to my husband and this administra­tion, we are doing exactly that.”

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