Chattanooga Times Free Press

Rangers find bear feeding on human remains


A man whose body was found being eaten by a black bear in a remote area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park apparently had been camping alone.

Authoritie­s have not yet determined whether Patrick Madura, 43, of Elgin, Illinois, was mauled by the bear or whether he died of some other cause. An autopsy was scheduled for Tuesday at the North Carolina chief medical examiner’s office in Raleigh.

Madura had a backcountr­y reservatio­n for a multi-night trip, park spokeswoma­n Jamie Sanders told Knox News. He was scheduled to stay alone at campsite 82, in the Hazel Creek area, on the night of Sept. 8.

One tent and one sleeping bag were found at the campsite, Sanders said. No one else was scheduled to camp there from Sept. 8 to Sept. 11.

On the afternoon of Sept. 11, backpacker­s hiking near the campsite found Madura dead and a bear nearby. The backpacker­s left the remote, densely wooded area of the park to regain cellphone service and notified park officials, who arrived shortly after midnight to find the bear “actively scavenging” on the man’s remains.

Rangers killed the bear. Although it’s unclear whether the animal attacked Madura while he was alive, Sanders said a bear who eats human flesh may come to associate people with food.

“Our wildlife biologists who are experts in dealing with bear-human conflict believe that once a bear has scavenged on human remains, there is a high potential that they’re going to continue that behavior,” she told the Asheville-Citizen Times.

“Our wildlife biologists ... believe that once a bear has scavenged on human remains, there is a high potential that they’re going to continue that behavior.”


“And so we believe that they may pose a serious threat to visitor safety.”

The bear was an adult, 240-pound male with no health problems, Sanders said.

Park officials closed a section of Hazel Creek Trail and campsite 82, which falls on the North Carolina side of the park.

Some 1,600 black bears call the Smokies home, which makes the most visited national park in the country one of the ursine capitals of the world. Officials try to teach visitors to stay away from bears, as humans who too often cross paths with the animals can break down their natural fears and cause them to become dangerous.

Attacking a human usually means a death sentence for a bear. Park officials stress that such attacks are rare; there have been five known bear attacks in the park, with only one of those being fatal, the Citizen-Times reported.

One of those attacks occurred in 2015, when a black bear wounded a 16-year-old boy who was camping with his father in the same area where Madura was found dead. The teen was asleep when a bear chomped down on his head and pulled him from his hammock.

“I just felt a lot of pain in my scalp,” the teen, Gabriel Alexander, told the Citizen-Times from his hospital room in 2015. “I had no idea what it was. I thought maybe it was a wild dog. I just remember my scalp tearing.”

The father, who’d been sleeping in a separate hammock at campsite 84, woke up to his son’s screams.

“I guess there was enough light from the moon that I could see pretty well the bear was dragging him across the ground by his head,” the father said. “I was barefooted, and I tried to kick the bear in the face, but that didn’t have any effect. I jumped on his back and hit him in the face. I was afraid it might already be too late.”

It wasn’t too late. The father managed to scare the bear away, and the boy was not seriously injured.

The day after the attack, park biologists shot a bear at the campsite, but it ran off in the rain. Officials then trapped and killed a bear at the campsite, only to find through DNA testing that it was a different bear from the first and was not the guilty animal.

In another case, on Sept. 11, 2018, park officials found a bear scavenging on a man’s remains in a wooded area in Townsend. Rangers shot and killed that bear. An autopsy later found the man died of a meth overdose and that the bear likely didn’t attack him while he was alive.

 ?? MICHAEL PATRICK, KNOXVILLE NEWS SENTINEL ?? A black bear lunches on blackberri­es in Cades Cove July 10, 2009, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
MICHAEL PATRICK, KNOXVILLE NEWS SENTINEL A black bear lunches on blackberri­es in Cades Cove July 10, 2009, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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