Chattanooga Times Free Press



WASHINGTON — At first glance, the final presidenti­al debate might have seemed to some like a draw. President Donald Trump had arguably his best debate performanc­e ever and did not alienate the reluctant Trump voters by interrupti­ng or badgering his opponent. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s four days of rest and preparatio­n paid off, as he spoke clearly and had no senior moments that might call his mental acuity into question.

But a closer look shows that Trump was the big winner, because he was the only candidate who landed blows that damaged his opponent with a constituen­cy Biden desperatel­y needs to win the presidency — African American voters. On Thursday night, Trump cleaned Biden’s clock on race.

Moderator Kristen Welker asked both candidates whether they understood the fears of Black and brown families who worry their children “could be targeted, including by the police, for no reason other than the color of their skin.” When it was Trump’s turn to answer, he said “Yes, I do” and laid out his record, including opportunit­y zones to bring investment into struggling Black communitie­s, substantia­l funding for Historical­ly Black Colleges and Universiti­es, prison reform and criminal justice reform.

Biden responded by trying to take credit for Trump’s success on criminal justice reform, saying “The very law he’s talking about is the law that, in fact, was initiated by Barack Obama.” But Trump kept pressing him on why he and Obama didn’t pass it? “You keep talking about all these things you’re going to do … but you were there just a short time ago and you guys did nothing,” he said.

Biden tried to change the subject with a snide remark, noting “Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we’ve had in modern history. He pours fuel on every single racist fire, every single one.” Trump replied calmly, “I didn’t say I’m Abraham Lincoln. I said, not since Abraham Lincoln has anybody done what I’ve done for the Black community. Now you have done nothing other than the crime bill, which put tens of thousands of Black men mostly in jail.”

Rather than let Biden off the hook, Welker pressed him to answer Trump’s question: “Vice President Biden, let me give you a chance to respond within this context. Crime bills that you supported in the ’80s and ’90 contribute­d to the incarcerat­ion of tens of thousands of young Black men who had small amounts of drugs in their possession. … So, speak to those families, why should they vote for you?”

Biden conceded, “It was a mistake. I’ve been trying to change it since then.” Trump jumped on that, saying that trying was not good enough. When Biden tried to deflect by pointing out that he and Obama released 38,000 federal prisoners and granted clemency to over 1,000, Trump kept pressing. “Why didn’t you do it in the eight years, a short time ago? … You know why, Joe? Because you’re all talk and no action.”

Finally, Biden delivered a feeble answer: “Because we had a Republican Congress. That’s the answer.” Sorry, but when he and Obama took office in 2009, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, and they had a 60-vote, filibuster-proof supermajor­ity in the Senate for parts of 2009 and 2010.

Why was this extended exchange so damaging? Because Biden has an enthusiasm problem with Black voters. The Washington Post reported in late May that only 68% of young African Americans aged 18 to 29 said they intend to vote for Biden — 17 points fewer than supported Hillary Clinton four years ago.

On Thursday, Trump successful­ly reminded these voters of Biden’s role in the mass incarcerat­ion of African Americans — and how Biden failed, and Trump succeeded, in passing criminal justice reform to end it. That exchange could have a lasting impact on Election Day.

 ??  ?? Marc Thiessen
Marc Thiessen

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