Chattanooga Times Free Press

GOP outspends Democrats in Senate runoffs


ATLANTA — Georgia’s all- important runoffs for control of the U. S. Senate have already attracted more than $268 million in ad spending, with an early advantage going to Republican U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

The two GOP incumbents and their outside supporters have already financed about $163 million worth of ads for the nineweek campaign, according to an analysis by media guru Rick Dent. Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, along with their allies, have combined for about $105 million.

Those sums don’ t include all the other spending pouring into Georgia ahead of the Jan. 5 contests, which will shape how aggressive­ly President-elect Joe Biden can pursue his legislativ­e agenda.

The campaigns and their backers are also spending prodigious­ly on get- outthe-vote efforts, direct mail, a surge of new staffers and other costs tied to the twin contests. And more is surely on its way as Georgia draws more attention from political stars and celebritie­s.

Republican­s are mounting a 50-state fundraisin­g effort, and groups tied to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have already plunged about $ 78 million into the contests — about one-third of the total spend so far. Democrats are pouring in cash, too, fueled in part by Stacey Abrams’ network.

The avalanche of money is staggering, particular­ly when compared with past Georgia elections.

The entire U. S. Senate campaign in 2014 that resulted in Perdue’s first victory cost around $75 million. And Georgia’s epic gubernator­ial contest between Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp hovered north of $100 million.

The spending on those two races was eclipsed over a single weekend of this allout campaign. On Friday, about $90 million worth of ads were booked, according to Dent’s analysis. And another $32 million in ad spending came into Georgia on Monday.

Once, analysts who predicted these runoffs could top $500 million in spending sounded grandiose. At this rate, that benchmark will be passed well before Christmas.


The first phase of the twin Senate races set the tone, with spending soaring well beyond $160 million by early October. The gusher has only intensifie­d since the Nov. 3 elections, when both races were forced into overtime after no candidates secured a majority of the vote.

Though the two Republican­s and two Democrats are running as a packaged deal — Ossoff and Warnock would both need to win to flip control of the GOPheld Senate — the analysis by Dent shows wrinkles in their ad strategies.

Loeffler pumped at least $23 million of her own cash into the Nov. 3 campaign, but she’s had little trouble fundraisin­g this phase.

So far, some $91 million has been spent on ads promoting her bid to defeat Warnock, who has roughly $54 million worth of air cover from his campaign and its boosters.

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