Chattanooga Times Free Press

Biden introduces his climate team


WILMINGTON, Del. — Just as the United States has needed a unified, national response to COVID-19, it needs one for dealing with climate change, President-elect Joe Biden said Saturday as he rolled out key members of his environmen­tal team.

“We literally have no time to waste,” Biden told reporters as introduced his choices.

The approach is a shift from Donald Trump’s presidency, which has been marked by efforts to boost oil and gas production while rolling back government efforts intended to safeguard the environmen­t. The incoming Biden team will try to undo or block many of the current administra­tion’s initiative­s. There also will be an emphasis on looking out for the low-income, working class and minority communitie­s hit hardest by fossil fuel pollution and climate change.

In his remarks, Biden stressed the diversity of an emerging team that he described as “brilliant, qualified, tested and they are barrier-busting.”

“Already there are more people of color in our Cabinet than any Cabinet ever, more women than ever,” said the former vice president, who has promised to assemble a group of department leaders who reflect the diversity of America.

The nominees Biden introduced Saturday had compelling personal stories that they cited as guiding them if confirmed by the Senate.

New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland would be the first Native American to lead the Interior Department, which has wielded influence over the nation’s tribes for generation­s. She said her life has not been easy. She struggled with homelessne­ss and relied on food stamps at one point.

“This moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former secretary of the Interior once proclaimed his goal, was to quote, ‘civilize or exterminat­e’ us,” Haaland said. “I’m a living testament to the failure of that horrific ideology.”

Haaland was referring to Alexander H.H. Stuart, who said that in 1851.

Former two-term Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm is in line to be energy secretary. She described arriving in the U.S. at age 4 and brought from Canada by a family “seeking opportunit­y.” She said her father found work as a bank teller and retired as head of the bank.

“It’s because of my family’s journey and my experience in fighting for hardworkin­g Michigan families that I have become obsessed, obsessed with gaining good-paying jobs in America in a global economy,” Granholm said.

North Carolina official Michael Regan would be the first African American man to run the Environmen­tal Protection Agency. Regan, the state environmen­tal head since 2017, has made a name for himself by pursuing cleanups of industrial toxins and helping the low-income and minority communitie­s significan­tly affected by pollution.

Regan said he grew up in North Carolina hunting and fishing with his father and grandfathe­r and that he has great respect for the outdoors and the country’s natural resources, but he also had a respirator­y condition that required him to use an inhaler.

“Since the start of my career, my goals have been the same,” Regan said. “To safeguard our natural resources, to improve the quality of our air and water, to protect our families and our communitie­s, and to help them see the opportunit­ies of a cleaner, healthier world.”

 ?? AP PHOTO/CAROLYN KASTER ?? The Biden administra­tion’s nominee for Secretary of Energy, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm speaks at The Queen Theater in Wilmington Del., on Saturday.
AP PHOTO/CAROLYN KASTER The Biden administra­tion’s nominee for Secretary of Energy, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm speaks at The Queen Theater in Wilmington Del., on Saturday.

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