Chattanooga Times Free Press



I realize I’m just a simple newspaper columnist, but it seems having a lame-duck U.S. president openly advocating a coup is a really bad and insane thing, yet the people who most loudly call themselves patriots don’t appear to give a whit.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the following string of facts concerns me:

1) Joe Biden clearly won the 2020 presidenti­al election.

2) The loser, President Donald Trump, refuses to acknowledg­e his loss and is goading Republican state legislator­s to find ways to subvert the election results.

3) Republican­s in the U.S. Senate and House of Representa­tives, along with loyalists in Trump’s Cabinet and Republican­s in legislatur­es across the country, are acting like this is all perfectly normal and giving credence to the falsehood that Trump has a chance of overturnin­g the election results.

The conclusion is: What in the name of American democracy is wrong with you Republican­s?

There are people like me, and plenty of other Americans paying attention to Trump’s post-election crapnado of nonsense, who feel like our heads are going to explode because few if any sane Republican­s are standing up and saying: “Hey, this is bonkers, deeply embarrassi­ng and unconscion­ably bad for the stability of our democracy. Knock it off.”

Here is a small sampling of tweets President Trump, who lost both the popular vote and the Electoral College, sent Wednesday morning, accompanie­d by my comments in parenthese­s:

“RIGGED ELECTION!” (The election was not rigged. There is no evidence to support this.)

“No candidate has ever won both Florida and Ohio and lost. I won them both, by a lot! SupremeCou­rt.” (This is false and just plain stupid. John F. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon, and Nixon won Florida and Ohio.)

“OVERTURN” (This is the current president of the United States of America openly calling for the results of our election to be overturned. That’s outrageous and ahistoric, and should be condemned as fundamenta­lly anti-American.)

Those were all sent the morning after the country passed what’s called the safe harbor deadline. That means Congress must, by law, treat election results certified by the states as conclusive. A shorter version is this: Biden will be the next president, and that’s not going to change.

The time for lame excuses (“We just need to give Trump room to work through this loss”) and tacit approval of frivolous lawsuits (“The president has every right to pursue all legal avenues”) is over.

Trump is not “frustrated” or “venting.” He is a whiny, sore loser willing to burn our democracy to the ground.

The lawsuits being filed aren’t patriotic attempts to protect the sanctity of our elections. They are error-filled, legally laughable attempts to waste time and pimp a narrative likely to ensure a sizable chunk of the population never accepts the result of this election.

The people testifying at bizarro-world hearings held by Trump attorney and COVID-19 supersprea­der Rudy Giuliani are not “patriotic but misinforme­d souls.” They’re people being stupid, and they deserve every bit of ridicule they get as their conspiracy-filled ramblings become viral sensations.

We don’t stop this craziness from happening again by downplayin­g or excusing it all. We stop it by calling it out and making clear that such fringe behavior is socially unacceptab­le.

But that’s going to require people currently renting apartments in Crazytown to break their leases and cross back over to Saneville.

We need Republican­s to acknowledg­e reality and douse the fires Trump continues to set.

We need to call the election denialism being ginned up exactly what it is: Unacceptab­le, by any measure.

 ??  ?? Rex Huppke
Rex Huppke

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