Chattanooga Times Free Press

Democrats rein in expectatio­ns for upcoming immigratio­n bill


WASHINGTON — It’s taken only days for Democrats gauging how far President Joe Biden’s bold immigratio­n proposal can go in Congress to acknowledg­e that if anything emerges, it will likely be significan­tly more modest.

As they brace to tackle a politicall­y flammable issue that’s resisted major congressio­nal action since the 1980s, Democrats are using words like “aspiration­al” to describe Biden’s plan and “herculean” to express the effort they’ll need to prevail.

A cautious note came from the White House on Friday when press secretary Jen Psaki said the new administra­tion views Biden’s plan as a “first step” it hopes will be “the basis” of discussion­s in Congress. Democrats’ measured tones underscore the fragile road they face on a paramount issue for their minority voters, progressiv­es and activists.

Immigratio­n proponents advocating an all-out fight say Democrats’ new hold on the White House and Congress provides a major edge, but they concede they may have to accept less than total victory. Paving a path to citizenshi­p for the estimated 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally, the centerpiec­e of Biden’s plan, is “the stake at the summit of the mountain,” Frank Sharry, executive director of the pro-immigratio­n group America’s Voice, said in an interview. He said proponents may have to accept “stepping stones” along the way.

The citizenshi­p process in Biden’s plan would take as little as three years for some people, eight years for others. It would make it easier for certain workers to stay in the U.S. temporaril­y or permanentl­y, provide developmen­t aid to Central American nations in hopes of reducing immigratio­n and move toward bolstering border screening technology.

No. 2 Senate Democratic leader Richard Durbin of Illinois said in an interview this week that the likeliest package to emerge would start with creating a path to citizenshi­p for so-called Dreamers. They are over 1 million immigrants who’ve lived in the U.S. most of their lives after being brought here illegally as children.

Over 600,000 of them have temporary permission to live in the U.S. under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. Former President Barack Obama created that program administra­tively, and Durbin and others want to protect it by enacting it into law.

Durbin, who called Biden’s plan “aspiration­al,” said he’ll push for as many other elements as possible, including more visas for agricultur­al workers and others.

“We understand the political reality of a 50-50 Senate, that any changes in immigratio­n will require cooperatio­n between the parties,” said Durbin, who is on track to become Senate Judiciary Committee chairman. He said Senate legislatio­n likely “will not reach the same levels” as Biden’s proposal.

The Senate is split evenly between the two parties, with Vice President Kamala Harris tipping the chamber to Democrats with her tie-breaking vote. Even so, passing major legislatio­n requires 60 votes to overcome filibuster­s, or endless procedural delays. That means 10 Republican­s must join all 50 Democrats to enact an immigratio­n measure, a tall order.

 ?? GRAEME JENNINGS/POOL VIA AP ?? Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduces Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken during his confirmati­on hearing Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill.
GRAEME JENNINGS/POOL VIA AP Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., introduces Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken during his confirmati­on hearing Tuesday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Capitol Hill.

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