Chattanooga Times Free Press



The devil will be in the details, of course, but Joe Biden’s plan to place immigratio­n reform near the top of his to-do list is a welcome step because it directly addresses a thorny political issue and immediatel­y repudiates the atrociousl­y inhumane policies of the Trump administra­tion.

But it’s not going to be easy.

The Biden plan is expected to be a mix of executive actions and administra­tive policies, as well as proposed legislatio­n to offer a path to citizenshi­p for many of the 11 million people currently living in the shadows.

It also is expected to include a mechanism for granting legal status for the so-called “Dreamers” — people living here without permission after arriving as children — and people covered by temporary protected status. That last group consists of people who were in the U.S. when political upheaval or natural disasters made it unsafe for them to return to their homelands.

The political wrangling over Biden’s plan is going to be significan­t, and getting Congress to act will take nothing short of a miracle. Few issues in contempora­ry American politics are as thorny as immigratio­n, pitting those who believe in living up to our history as a nation built on immigratio­n against folks who would prefer to keep the door only slightly ajar.

Add in the usual overlays of class and racial bias and it becomes understand­able why Congress has failed to take significan­t action on immigratio­n reform since the Reagan era.

Understand­ing, though, isn’t the same thing as finding Congress’ failure acceptable.

Simply undoing Trump’s policies won’t be sufficient. And neither will resetting the calendar to the end of the Obama administra­tion. President Barack Obama’s immigratio­n policies were a mixed bag. He focused on border security and ramped up deportatio­ns in hopes of gaining conservati­ve support for legislatio­n accommodat­ing the “Dreamers,” among other issues. But that failed, leading Obama to create the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program through an executive order, which at best was a stopgap protection while a more permanent resolution was sought.

Biden shrewdly is not including much in the way of border security in his initial offer, according to reports. That gives him a bargaining chip to try to win over conservati­ves and even some moderates who balk at the notion of creating a path to citizenshi­p for folks here without permission.

Broadly speaking, the U.S. needs continued immigratio­n to support an expanding economy. The argument that immigrants take American jobs crumbles under close scrutiny.

In fact, the evidence suggests that immigrants are more entreprene­urial than native-born Americans and generally create more jobs than they take. And while immigrant labor might temporaril­y lower wages for specific jobs, wages quickly recover — and help create other jobs that in the end leave both the immigrants and the existing laborers in their communitie­s better off.

What is also clear is that current system for determinin­g who gets to immigrate, and for what reasons, needs to be reviewed.

For decades the focus has been on family reunificat­ion — giving priority to relatives of folks already here. Some argue that the focus ought to be on educationa­l levels and skill sets aimed at addressing labor shortages in specific areas.

Those aren’t mutually exclusive priorities. We can do both. But first we have to open the subject up for sincere discussion­s in Washington among members of Congress and advocates who must reckon with the political reality that nothing will move forward without compromise­s.

 ??  ?? Scott Martelle
Scott Martelle

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