Chattanooga Times Free Press



On Sept. 15, 2020, President Donald Trump trumpeted his proudest — and virtually sole — foreign policy achievemen­t: the signing of the Abraham Accords opening formal ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. “After decades of division and conflict, we mark the dawn of a new Middle East,” he said in a White House ceremony.

Fast forward eight months, and that boast appears even more risible now than it did at the time. The clashes in recent days between Israelis and Palestinia­ns make clear that there is no “peace” and no “new Middle East.”

It remains the same blood-soaked mess as ever. The Abraham

Accords were nice, but they did nothing to resolve underlying conflicts in Yemen,

Syria, Libya — or the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict is now seeing one of its periodic eruptions of violence, with Hamas inundating Israel with rockets from the Gaza Strip and Israeli warplanes striking back against targets in Gaza. The result is civilian casualties on both sides.

Even those of us who are supporters of Israel must admit that the proximate cause of the current flare-up is Israel’s continuing land grab in East Jerusalem and the West Bank — something that Trump did much to encourage with his uncritical support for his fellow right-wing populist, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. More than 9,200 Israeli homes were built in the West Bank during the Trump years with nary a peep of protest from Washington. Far from trying to curb Israeli expansion, as previous presidents did, Trump unwisely recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights and cut off aid to the Palestinia­ns.

Right-wing Israeli settlers have been trying to evict six more Palestinia­n families from their homes in East Jerusalem by arguing that the houses belong to Jewish owners who were dispossess­ed during the 1948 Israeli War of Independen­ce. Netanyahu has tried to portray this as an ordinary land dispute.

But Palestinia­ns rightly point out that the law allows Israelis to claim possession of houses they lost in 1948 but does not extend similar rights to Palestinia­ns.

Palestinia­ns (and also Israeli Arabs) are angry, and predictabl­y their protests have flared into clashes with Israeli police.

This gave Hamas the perfect excuse to jump into the fray under the guise of defending Palestinia­n rights in Jerusalem. But however legitimate the Palestinia­n grievances, nothing justifies the indiscrimi­nate rocketing of civilians. This is a war crime, and Israel is fully justified in striking back as long as it makes every effort to minimize collateral damage.

It has long been obvious that a twostate solution is the only way out of this quagmire. But of the three major players — Hamas, the Palestinia­n Authority and Israel — none has a leader willing to make the slightest sacrifice for peace.

Hamas, despite cosmetic revisions to its charter in 2017, remains committed to the eradicatio­n of Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, the 85-year-old president of the Palestinia­n Authority, is willing to cooperate with Israel — but unwilling to sign a final settlement that would give up Palestinia­n claims such as the “right to return.”

And then there is Netanyahu. He is now facing trial on corruption charges and desperatel­y clinging to office as a caretaker prime minister.

Faced with this never-ending conflict, the best that the Biden administra­tion can do is to try to lower the temperatur­e and broker a cease-fire. The odds of successful peace talks remain remote. But at least President Joe Biden won’t exacerbate the conflict as Trump did while foolishly patting himself on the back for bringing peace to the region.

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Max Boot

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