Chattanooga Times Free Press



The final episode of the Fox sitcom Last Man Standing airs May 20. That’s when the former Toy Story and Home Improvemen­t star, 67, wraps up his role as Mike Baxter after a decade of being the odd man out in a home surrounded by women.

Last Man Standing has always had fun with Mike’s role as a husband and a father. Will the finale end on a note about the importance of family? That’s exactly what it is. We didn’t want to leave a room and turn the light out. We’re paying homage to the sitcom world, we’re paying homage to family. There are a lot of winks and a nod to this family that has been together 10 years. It was very emotional.

How did you spend your time during the COVID lockdown? I worked on my cars. I’m in the production business, so I immediatel­y looked at how to make my Zooms look better. And I’ve never spent so much time in a gym. It literally, at my age, changed my body structure. People are going, “What did you do to your arms?”

You used to perform in Las Vegas and comedy clubs, but they’ve been closed. Do you miss stand-up? More than I can tell you. I love making people laugh. I miss it terribly. I miss it for all my brothers and sisters that do stand-up. I can’t tell you how my heart bleeds for them. [Like] my opening act [Lowell Sanders] for almost 30 years—when we’re not on the road together, he does cruise ships, and one day all of my additional salary to him and all of the salary on his regular day job, it all just went away.

Might we see a return of Buzz Lightyear for

Toy Story 5? Tom Hanks and I talk about it all the time. They don’t need us in makeup. No matter how old we get, we can always do it.

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