Chattanooga Times Free Press


[ Listening in on a president-to-president call that hasn’t happened, but for the good of our country, probably should. ]


Over the years, presidents have leaned on their predecesso­rs for help in the White House. Lyndon Johnson, for example, asked Harry Truman for assistance to win approval of Medicare. More often, however, they have kept their distance. “All the time I’ve been in politics, there’s only two people I hate, and he’s one,” Truman said of Richard Nixon. He meant it.

Even so, if the country is very lucky, sometime soon Joe Biden might pick up the phone and instruct the White House Communicat­ions Agency to put in a call to Donald Trump. It would be perhaps the least likely, but most consequent­ial, president-to-president telephone call since John F. Kennedy telephoned Dwight D. Eisenhower 59 years ago at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Mr. Biden: Good morning, Mr. President. This is Joe. Hope you’re well.

Mr. Trump: This is one call I didn’t expect.

Mr. Biden: There are a lot of things in life presidents don’t expect. Mr. Trump: You can say that again. In fact, I can think of one big one.

Mr. Biden: Now, now. I’m calling you president to president, No. 46 to No. 45. And believe me, this call is no easier for me than it is for you.

Mr. Trump: I’m listening.

Mr. Biden: I’ll skip the pleasantri­es, except to say I hope you and Mrs. Trump and Barron are OK. Mr. President, we both love this country. We both consider ourselves patriots. And, along with Jimmy, Bill, “W” and Barack, we are the only ones who have sat in this chair, at this desk. And I believe we six have always put our nation first, no matter what the media and our critics say.

Mr. Trump: Yes, that’s true. Mr. Biden: What’s also true, Mr. President, is that our country needs you. I need you. Our country is hurting.

Mr. Trump: That’s what I’ve been saying. Do you see the crowds I’ve been getting?

Mr. Biden: Mr. President, this is above politics, above whether you like my tax plan or I liked your border wall. This has nothing to do with the Supreme Court or the Electoral College. We are one hurting country. Mr. Trump: Go on.

Mr. Biden: This virus thing — it stung you and it’s wearing me down. I’m trying my darndest to get this country vaccinated, and I’ve run into a roadblock. A g——— roadblock. Mr. Trump: The Chinese … Mr. Biden: No, no. Forget the Chinese right now. It’s Americans I’m worried about. And I know you are too. We who have sat where I am sitting feel a burden of responsibi­lity.

But also we know — let’s face it, we both know — that presidents may be the most powerful people on Earth, but they still can’t get people to do what they’re supposed to do. Remember what old Harry Truman used to say? “My definition of a leader in a free country is a man who can persuade people to do what they don’t want to do and like it.” And remember Bill Clinton’s definition of this job? “Being president is like running a cemetery: You’ve got a lot of people under you and nobody’s listening.”

Mr. Trump: I couldn’t even get my own vice president to do what he was supposed to do.

Mr. Biden: That’s for another day. Really, I can’t get this country past this virus if I can’t get everyone vaccinated. Or at least most people. Seventy percent, 80%, 85 — I don’t know. But we’re nowhere near where we need to be.

Mr. Trump: Hey, I got you the vaccine. Operation Warp Speed.

Mr. Biden: I know you did. You did a great job. A huge, great job. You deserve the country’s thanks. That’s partially why I am calling.

Mr. Trump: What’s the other part? There’s a catch in here somewhere.

Mr. Biden: You’re famous for the “art of the deal.” So I am going to make you a deal.

Mr. Trump: A deal. You?

Mr. Biden: A deal. Here’s the deal. You come down here — I’ll send a government plane — or I’ll fly up there. I’ll do it tomorrow if you agree. We stand together. We call together the media, even the ones I don’t like at Fox and the ones you don’t like everywhere else. I stand there, right beside you, and say that Americans are a grateful people but we have not expressed enough gratitude to you for all that you did to get these vaccines into arms. And I personally and publicly thank you. Jill does, too.

Mr. Trump: And what do I do?

Mr. Biden: You stand beside me — you won’t have to do this again, I promise, not ever — and you address all your people. Your base. All of them. And you say that you love all of those who voted for you — more people than ever voted for a sitting president — and that because you love them you want them to survive. For all I care you can say you want them to live so they can vote for you against me. Really, but tell them to get vaccinated.

Mr. Trump: That’s quite an ask.

Mr. Biden: But this is an unpreceden­ted time. And really, you’re not going out on a limb. Mitch McConnell said it the other day.

Mr. Trump: The traitor.

Mr. Biden: OK, forget Mitch. Sean Hannity. He did it. Fox News stars Steve Doocy and Harris Faulkner did a public service announceme­nt. Some members of the House Republican leadership — and the GOP Doctors Caucus. They did it. Gov. Asa Hutchinson down in Arkansas. For gosh sakes, Steve Scalise got the vaccine and said it was “safe and effective.”

Mr. Trump: I’ll think about it. You’d actually stand here — would you come to Bedminster? — and praise me? Actually praise me?

Mr. Biden: I’d do it.

To both of you, I repeat what Winston Churchill, hoping to acquire surplus destroyers in the dark days of World War II, told Franklin Roosevelt in 1940: “Mr. President, with great respect, I must tell you that in the long history of the world, this is a thing to do now.”

Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n

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David M. Shribman

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